Argentyna-Wspólnota Europejska. Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters amending the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products to take into account the expected accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union.

in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Republic of Argentina amending the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products to take into account the expected accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union

Letter from the Council of the European Union


1. I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992.

2. In order to take into account the likely accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union on 1 January 1995, the European Community considers that the following amendments should be made to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products:

2.1. Should the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing become applicable in our relationships, as a consequence of the accession of the Republic of Argentina and the European Community to the WTO, Appendix I sets out the notional quantitative restrictions for the enlarged Community to be considered, for the purposes of the notification to the Textiles Monitoring Body, as those maintained by the enlarged Community and in force before the day of entry into force of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, within the meaning of Article 2 of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.

Should the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing not become applicable in our relationships Annex II of the Agreement which sets out the quantitative restrictions for exports from the Republic of Argentina to the European Union is replaced for the period 1 January to 31 December 1995 by Appendix II to this letter.

2.2. Article 14, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, second indent of Protocol A, Title III, Section II should be amended as follows:

"- two letters identifying the intended Member State of customs clearance as follows:

AT = Austria

BL = Benelux

DE = Federal Republic of Germany

DK = Denmark

EL = Greece

ES = Spain

FI = Finland

FR = France

GB = United Kingdom

IE = Ireland

IT = Italy

PT = Portugal

SE = Sweden"

2.3. The Annex of Protocol A, setting out the model of the certificate of origin is replaced by Appendix III to this letter.

2.4. The Annex to Protocol A setting out the model of the export licence is replaced by Appendix IV to this letter.

2.5. The Annex to Protocol B setting out the model of the certificate applicable to certain cottage industry and folklore products is replaced by Appendix V to this letter.

2.6. Should one or more acceding countries not join the European Union the adjustments calculated for this or these countries shall be deducted from the limits set out in the Appendices to this letter and the respective amendments mentioned under point 2.2 shall not enter into force.

2.7. Notwithstanding the modifications referred to under points 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, during a transitional period that will end on 30 June 1995, the competent authorities of Argentina shall be authorized to continue issuing the forms that were in use in 1994.

2.8. Should inaccuracies appear in the trade figures used to establish the adjustments contained in Appendices I and II, technical revisions of these adjustments will be made following consultations and provided that the request for consultations is made not later than 28 February 1995.

3. I should be obliged if you could kindly confirm the acceptance of your Government of the foregoing. Should this be the case, this Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the day on which the Parties have notified each other that the legal procedures necessary to this end have been completed. In the meantime, it shall be applied provisionally from 1 January 1995 on the conditions to be specified in an exchange of notes (see Appendix VI).

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Council

of the European Union


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Appendix I


Direct quotas


Appendix II



Direct quotas


Appendix III



Appendix IV



Appendix V

CERTIFICATE in regard to HANDLOOMS, TEXTILE HANDICRAFTS and TRADITIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCTS, OF THE COTTAGE INDUSTRY, issued in conformity with and under the conditions regulating trade in textile products with the European Community.


Appendix VI

Exchange of notes

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities presents its compliments to the Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities and has the honour to refer to the Agreement on trade in textile products between the Republic of Argentina and the European Economic Community initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992 and further amended by the exchange of letters initialled on 20 December 1994.

The Directorate-General wishes to inform the Mission of the Republic of Argentina that whilst awaiting the completion of the necessary procedures for the conclusion and coming into force of the amended Agreement, the European Community is prepared to allow the provisions of the Agreement to apply de facto from 1 January 1995. This is on the understanding that either Party may at any time terminate this de facto application of the amended Agreement provided that one hundred and twenty days notice is given.

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations would be grateful if the Mission of the Republic of Argentina would confirm its agreement to the foregoing.

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities the assurance of its highest consideration.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities presents its compliments to the Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities and has the honour to refer to the note of the Directorate-General (date of the Note Verbale) regarding the Agreement on Trade in Textile Products between the Republic of Argentina and the European Economic Community initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992 and further amended by the exchange of letters initialled on 20 December 1994.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina wishes to confirm to the Directorate-General that whilst awaiting the completion of the necessary procedures for the conclusion and coming into force of the amended Agreement, the Government of the Republic of Argentina is prepared to allow the provisions of the Agreement to apply de facto from January 1995. This is on the understanding that either Party may at any time terminate this de facto application of the amended Agreement provided that one hundred and twenty days notice is given.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities the assurance of its highest consideration.

Letter from the Government of the Republic of Argentina


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 20 December 1994 which reads as follows:


1. I have the honour to refer to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992.

2. In order to take into account the likely accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union on 1 January 1995, the European Community considers that the following amendments should be made to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products:

2.1. Should the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing become applicable in our relationships, as a consequence of the accession of the Republic of Argentina and the European Community to the WTO, Appendix I sets out the notional quantitative restrictions for the enlarged Community to be considered, for the purposes of the notification to the Textiles Monitoring Body, as those maintained by the enlarged Community and in force before the day of entry into force of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, within the meaning of Article 2 of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.

Should the Uruguay Round Agreement on Textiles and Clothing not become applicable in our relationships Annex II of the Agreement which sets out the quantitative restrictions for exports from the Republic of Argentina to the European Union is replaced for the period 1 January to 31 December 1995 by Appendix II to this letter.

2.2. Article 14, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, second indent of Protocol A, Title III, Section II should be amended as follows:

»- two letters identifying the intended Member State of customs clearance as follows:

AT = Austria

BL = Benelux

DE = Federal Republic of Germany

DK = Denmark

EL = Greece

ES = Spain

FI = Finland

FR = France

GB = United Kingdom

IE = Ireland

IT = Italy

PT = Portugal

SE = Sweden«

2.3. The Annex of Protocol A, setting out the model of the certificate of origin is replaced by Appendix III to this letter.

2.4. The Annex to Protocol A setting out the model of the export licence is replaced by Appendix IV to this letter.

2.5. The Annex to Protocol B setting out the model of the certificate applicable to certain cottage industry and folklore products is replaced by Appendix V to this letter.

2.6. Should one or more acceding countries not join the European Union the adjustments calculated for this or these countries shall be deducted from the limits set out in the Appendices to this letter and the respective amendments mentioned under point 2.2 shall not enter into force.

2.7. Notwithstanding the modifications referred to under points 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, during a transitional period that will end on 30 June 1995, the competent authorities of Argentina shall be authorized to continue issuing the forms that were in use in 1994.

2.8. Should inaccuracies appear in the trade figures used to establish the adjustments contained in Appendices I and II, technical revisions of these adjustments will be made following consultations and provided that the request for consultations is made not later than 28 February 1995.

3. I should be obliged if you could kindly confirm the acceptance of your Government of the foregoing. Should this be the case, this Agreement in the form of an exchange of letters shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the day on which the Parties have notified each other that the legal procedures necessary to this end have been completed. In the meantime, it shall be applied provisionally from 1 January 1995 on the conditions to be specified in an exchange of notes (see Appendix VI).

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration."

I have the honour to confirm that my Government is in agreement with the contents of your letter.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Government

of the Republic of Argentina

Appendix I


Direct quotas


Appendix II



Direct quotas


Appendix III



Appendix IV



Appendix V

CERTIFICATE in regard to HANDLOOMS, TEXTILE HANDICRAFTS and TRADITIONAL TEXTILE PRODUCTS, OF THE COOTAGE INDUSTRY, issued in conformity with and the conditions regulating trade in textile products with the European Community.


Appendix VI

Exchange of notes

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities presents its compliments to the Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities and has the honour to refer to the Agreement on trade in textile products between the Republic of Argentina and the European Economic Community initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992 and further amended by the exchange of letters initialled on 20 December 1994.

The Directorate-General wishes to inform the Mission of the Republic of Argentina that whilst awaiting the completion of the necessary procedures for the conclusion and coming into force of the amended Agreement, the European Community is prepared to allow the provisions of the Agreement to apply de facto from 1 January 1995. This is on the understanding that either Party may at any time terminate this de facto application of the amended Agreement provided that one hundred and twenty days notice is given.

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations would be grateful if the Mission of the Republic of Argentina would confirm its agreement to the foregoing.

The Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities the assurance of its highest consideration.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities presents its compliments to the Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities and has the honour to refer to the note of the Directorate-General (date of the Note Verbale) regarding the Agreement on Trade in Textile Products between the Republic of Argentina and the European Economic Community initialled on 30 September 1986, as last amended and extended by the exchange of letters initialled on 18 December 1992 and further amended by the exchange of letters initialled on 20 December 1994.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina wishes to confirm to the Directorate-General that whilst awaiting the completion of the necessary procedures for the conclusion and coming into force of the amended Agreement, the Government of the Republic of Argentina is prepared to allow the provisions of the Agreement to apply de facto from January 1995. This is on the understanding that either Party may at any time terminate this de facto application of the amended Agreement provided that one hundred and twenty days notice is given.

The Mission of the Republic of Argentina to the European Communities avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Directorate-General for External Economic Relations of the Commission of the European Communities the assurance of its highest consideration.

Zmiany w prawie

Stosunek prezydenta Dudy do wolnej Wigilii "uległ zawieszeniu"

Prezydent Andrzej Duda powiedział w czwartek, że ubolewa, że w sprawie ustawy o Wigilii wolnej od pracy nie przeprowadzono wcześniej konsultacji z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Jak dodał, jego stosunek do ustawy "uległ niejakiemu zawieszeniu". Wyraził ubolewanie nad tym, że pomimo wprowadzenia wolnej Wigilii, trzy niedziele poprzedzające święto mają być dniami pracującymi. Ustawa czeka na podpis prezydenta.

kk/pap 12.12.2024
ZUS: Renta wdowia - wnioski od stycznia 2025 r.

Od Nowego Roku będzie można składać wnioski o tzw. rentę wdowią, która dotyczy ustalenia zbiegu świadczeń z rentą rodzinną. Renta wdowia jest przeznaczona dla wdów i wdowców, którzy mają prawo do co najmniej dwóch świadczeń emerytalno-rentowych, z których jedno stanowi renta rodzinna po zmarłym małżonku. Aby móc ją pobierać, należy jednak spełnić określone warunki.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 20.11.2024
Zmiany w składce zdrowotnej od 1 stycznia 2026 r. Rząd przedstawił założenia

Przedsiębiorcy rozliczający się według zasad ogólnych i skali podatkowej oraz liniowcy będą od 1 stycznia 2026 r. płacić składkę zdrowotną w wysokości 9 proc. od 75 proc. minimalnego wynagrodzenia, jeśli będą osiągali w danym miesiącu dochód do wysokości 1,5-krotności przeciętnego wynagrodzenia w sektorze przedsiębiorstw w czwartym kwartale roku poprzedniego, włącznie z wypłatami z zysku, ogłaszanego przez prezesa GUS. Będzie też dodatkowa składka w wysokości 4,9 proc. od nadwyżki ponad 1,5-krotność przeciętnego wynagrodzenia, a liniowcy stracą możliwość rozliczenia zapłaconych składek w podatku dochodowym.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 18.11.2024
Prezydent podpisał nowelę ustawy o rozwoju lokalnym z udziałem lokalnej społeczności

Usprawnienie i zwiększenie efektywności systemu wdrażania Rozwoju Lokalnego Kierowanego przez Społeczność (RLKS) przewiduje ustawa z dnia 11 października 2024 r. o zmianie ustawy o rozwoju lokalnym z udziałem lokalnej społeczności. Jak poinformowała w czwartek Kancelaria Prezydenta, Andrzej Duda podpisał ją w środę, 13 listopada. Ustawa wejdzie w życie z dniem następującym po dniu ogłoszenia.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 14.11.2024
Do poprawki nie tylko emerytury czerwcowe, ale i wcześniejsze

Problem osób, które w latach 2009-2019 przeszły na emeryturę w czerwcu, przez co - na skutek niekorzystnych zasad waloryzacji - ich świadczenia były nawet o kilkaset złotych niższe od tych, jakie otrzymywały te, które przeszły na emeryturę w kwietniu lub w maju, w końcu zostanie rozwiązany. Emerytura lub renta rodzinna ma - na ich wniosek złożony do ZUS - podlegać ponownemu ustaleniu wysokości. Zdaniem prawników to dobra regulacja, ale równie ważna i paląca jest sprawa wcześniejszych emerytur. Obie powinny zostać załatwione.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 06.11.2024
Bez konsultacji społecznych nie będzie nowego prawa

Już od jutra rządowi trudniej będzie, przy tworzeniu nowego prawa, omijać proces konsultacji publicznych, wykorzystując w tym celu projekty poselskie. W czwartek, 31 października, wchodzą w życie zmienione przepisy regulaminu Sejmu, które nakazują marszałkowi Sejmu kierowanie projektów poselskich do konsultacji publicznych i wymagają sporządzenia do nich oceny skutków regulacji. Każdy obywatel będzie mógł odtąd zgłosić własne uwagi do projektów poselskich, korzystając z Systemu Informacyjnego Sejmu.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 30.10.2024
Metryka aktu


Rodzaj: Umowa międzynarodowa
Tytuł: Argentyna-Wspólnota Europejska. Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters amending the Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Argentina on trade in textile products to take into account the expected accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Union.
Data aktu: 20/02/1995
Data ogłoszenia: 26/04/1995
Data wejścia w życie: 01/05/2004, 01/01/1995