Komunikat Komisji jako jeden z elementów wdrażania dyrektywy 89/206/EWG dotyczącej wyrobów budowlanych(1), zmienionej dyrektywą Rady 93/68/EWG(2)(2005/C 245/04)
(Dz.U.UE C z dnia 5 października 2005 r.)
Publikacja nazw organów upoważnionych do wydawania europejskiej aprobaty technicznej. Publikacja do celów informacyjnych. Niniejsza publikacja unieważnia wszystkie poprzednie publikacje.
BUtgb-Directie Goedkeuring en Voorschriften - DGV(3)
p/a FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand & Energie
Kwaliteit en Veiligheid - Kwaliteit van de Bouw - Goedkeuring en Voorschriften
UBAtc-Agrément et Spécifications - DAS(3)
p/a SPF Economie, P.M.E., Classes Moyennes et Energie
Qualité et Sécurité - Qualité de la Construction - Agrément et Spécifications
Simon Bolivarlaan 30, Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30,
B-1000 Brussel/Bruxelles
Tel. (32-2) 208 36 75
Fax (32-2) 208 37 37
E-mail: freddy.Beugnies@mineco.fgov.be; eduardus.Broeckx@mineco.fgov.be
Technický a zkušební ústav stavební Praha, s.p. - TZUS(3)
Technical and Test Institute for Construction
Prosecká 811/76a
CZ-19000 Praha 9
Tel. (420) 286 88 72 92
Fax (420) 286 89 13 93
E-mail: jsobola@tzus.cz
Website: http://www.tzus.cz
Centrum stavebního inženýrství a.s. - CSI
The Centre of Building Construction
Pražská 16/810
CZ-102 21 Praha 10 - Hostivař
Tel. (420) 281 01 72 22
Fax (420) 271 75 04 59
Website: http://www.csias.cz
ETA-Danmark A/S(3)
Kollegievej 6
DK-2920 Charlottenlund
Tel. (45) 45 76 20 20
Fax (45) 45 76 33 20
E-mail: eta@etadanmark.dk
Website: http://www.etadanmark.dk
Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik - DIBt(3)
Kolonnenstrasse 30 L
D-10829 Berlin
Tel. (49) 30 787 30 0
Fax (49) 30 787 30 320
E-mail: dibt@dibt.de
Website: http://www.dibt.de
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool(3)
Technische Universiteit Tallinn - TUT
Ehitajate tee 5
EE-19086 Tallinn
Tel. (372) 620 2002
Fax (372) 620 2020
Website: http://www.tunnustusasutus.ttu.ee
Ελληνικός Οργανισµός Τυποποίησης - ΕΛΟΤ(3)
Οδός Αχαρνών 313
GR-11145 Aδήνα
Τηλ. (30) 210 212 01 00
Φαζ (30) 210 228 31 35
E-mail: dsa@elot.gr
Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja - IETcc(3)
Serrano Galvache S/N
E-28033 Madrid
Tel. (349-1) 302 04 40
Fax (349-1) 302 07 00
E-mail: director.ietcc@csic.es
Website: http://www.csic.es/torroja
Institut de Tecnologia de Construcció de Catalunya - ITeC
Wellington 19
E-08018 Barcelona
Tel. (349-3) 309 34 04
Fax (349-3) 300 48 52
E-mail: qualprod@itec.es
Website: http://www.itec.es
Centre scientifique et technique du bâtiment - CSTB(3)
4, Avenue du Recteur Poincaré
F-75782 Paris Cedex 16
Tel. (33-1) 40 50 28 28
Fax (33-1) 45 25 61 51
E-mail: maugard@cstb.fr
Website: http://www.cstb.fr
Service d'études techniques des routes et autoroutes - SETRA
46, Avenue A. Briand, BP 100
F-92225 Bagneux
Tel. (33-1) 46 11 33 84
Fax (33-1) 46 11 36 50
E-mail: odile.grisaud@equipement.gouv.fr
Website: http://www.setra.equipement.gouv.fr
The Icelandic Building Research Institute - IBRI(3)
RB - Keldnaholt
IS-112 Reykjavik
Tel. (354) 570 73 00
Fax (354) 570 73 11
E-mail: olafsson.h@rabygg.is
Irish Agrément Board - IAB(3)
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Dublin 9
Tel. (353) 807 38 87
Fax (353) 807 38 42
E-mail: sean.balfe@nsai.ie
Website: http://www.irishagrementboard.com
Servizio tecnico centrale della presidenza del Consiglio superiore LL. PP. - STC(3)
Via Nomentana 2
I-00161 Roma
Tel. (39-06) 44 26 73 96
Fax (39-06) 44 26 73 83
E-mail: pietro.baratono@mail.llpp.it
Website: http://www.llpp.it/NuovoSito/stc
Centro studi ed esperienze antincendi del Corpo nazionale dei vigili del fuoco - CSEA
Piazza Scilla 2
I-00178 Roma - Capannelle
Tel. (39-06) 718 89 96
Fax (39-06) 718 77 19
E-mail: vfcse01@interbusiness.it
Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione - ITC
Via Lombardia 49, Fraz. Sesto Ulteriano
I-20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
Tel. (39-02) 980 61
Fax (39-02) 98 28 00 88
E-mail: roberto.vinci@itc.cnr.it
Website: http://www.itc.cnr.it
Building Department of the Ministry of Economics
Brivibas Street 55/2
Riga LV-1519
Tel. (371) 7013 035
Fax (371) 7013 027
Statybos Produkcijos Sertifikavimo Centras - SPSC(3)
SE Certification Centre of Building Products
Linkmenų 28
LT-08217 Vilnius
Tel. (370 5) 272 80 77
Fax (370 5) 272 80 75
Laboratoire des ponts et chaussées(3)
23, Rue du Chemin de Fer, BP 17
L-8057 Bertrange
Tel. (352) 31 05 02 201
Fax (352) 31 73 11
E-mail: scharfe@pch.etat.lu
Építésügyi Minoségellenorzo Innovációs Kht - ÉMI Kht(3)
Non-profit Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building
Diószegi út. 37
H-1113 Budapest
Tel. (36-1) 372 61 00
Fax (36-1) 372 61 03
E-mail: shorvath@emi.hu
Website: http://www.emi.hu
Stichting Bouwkwaliteit - SBK(3)
Treubstraat 1
2288 EG Rijswijk
Tel. (31-70) 307 29 29
Fax (31-70) 390 29 47
E-mail: info@bouwkwaliteit.nl
Website: http://www.bouwkwaliteit.nl
INTRON Certificatie BV
Venusstraat 2
4105 JH Culemborg
Postbus 267
4100 AG Culemborg
Tel. (31-345) 58 07 33
Fax (31-345) 58 02 08
E-mail: rwo@intron.nl
Website: http://www.intron.nl
Stichting Keuringsbureau Hout - SKH
Het Cambium, Nieuwe Kanaal 9C
6709 PA Wageningen
Postbus 159
6700 AD Wageningen
Tel. (31-317) 45 34 25
Fax (31-317) 41 26 10
E-mail: mail@skh.org
Website: http://www.skh.org
Ringveste 1, 3992 DD
Postbus 298, 3990 GB
Tel. (31-30) 635 80 60
Fax (31-30) 635 06 86
E-mail: info@ikobbkb.nl
Website: http://www.ikobbkb.nl
Certificatie-instelling Stichting BMC
Büchnerweg 3, Postbus 150
2800 AD Gouda
Tel. (31-182) 53 23 00
Fax (31-182) 57 02 16
E-mail: BMC@BMC-CERT.nl
Website: http://www.bmc-cert.nl
Stichting Kwaliteit Gevelbouw - SKG
Veldzicht 26-30B, Postbus 212
3454 ZL De Meern
Tel. (31-306) 62 16 33
Fax (31-306) 62 16 77
E-mail: info@skg.nl
Website: http://www.skg.nl
KIWA N.V., Certification and Inspection
Sir Winston Churchilllaan 273, Postbus 70
2280 AB Rijswijk
Tel. (31-70) 414 44 00
Fax (31-70) 414 44 20
E-mail: certif@kiwa.nl
Website: http://www.kiwa.nl
Norwegian Building Research Institute - NBI(3)
Forkningveien 3B, Postboks 123,
N-0314 Oslo
Tel. (47) 22 96 55 55
Fax (47) 22 69 94 38
E-mail: firmapost@byggforsk.no
Website: http://www.byggforsk.no
Österreichisches Institut für Bautechnik - OIB(3)
Schenkenstrasse 4
A-1010 Wien
Tel. (43-1) 533 65 50
Fax (43-1) 533 64 23
E-mail: mail@oib.or.at
Website: http://www.oib.or.at
Instytut Techniki Budowlanej - ITB(3)
ul. Filtrowa 1
PL-00-611, Warszawa
Tel. (48-22) 579 62 94
Fax (48-22) 579 64 33
E-mail: itb@itb.pl
Website: www.itb.pl
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil - LNEC(3)
Avenida do Brasil 101
P-1700 - 066 Lisboa
Tel. (351-21) 844 32 81
Fax (351-21) 844 30 28
E-mail: jvpaiva@lnec.pt
Zavod Za Gradbeništvo Slovenije - ZAG(3)
Dimičeva 12
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tel. (386-1) 280 43 78
Fax (386-1) 436 74 49
E-mail: info.ta@zag.si
Website: http://www.zag.si
Technický a skúšobný ústav stavebný - TSUS(3)
Building Testing & Research Institute
Studená 3
SK-826 34 Bratislava 29
Tel. (421) 2 444 536 22
Fax (421) 2 444 536 17
E-mail: slastan@tsus.sk
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus - VTT(3)
PO Box 1800
FI-02044 VTT
Tel. (358) 9 4561
Fax (358) 9 456 70 31
E-mail: juho.saarimaa@vtt.fi
Website: http://www.vtt.fi/rte/
Swedish Institute for Technical Approval in Construction - SITAC(3)
PO BOX 553
S-371 23 Karlskrona
Tel. (46) 455 33 63 00
Fax (46) 455 206 88
E-mail: info@sitac.se
Website: http://www.sitac.se
British Board of Agrément - BBA(3)
PO Box 195
Bucknalls Lane
Garston, Watford, Herts, WD25 9 BA
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1) 923 66 53 00
Fax (44-1) 923 66 53 01
E-mail: mail@bba.star.co.uk
Website: http://www.bbacerts.co.uk
BRE Certification Ltd., Inc. BRE Certification, LPCB & WIMLAS
Garston, Watford, Herts, WD25 9XX
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1) 923 66 41 00
Fax (44-1) 923 66 43 35
E-mail: beedelc@bre.co.uk
Website: http://www.brecertification.co.uk
UK Cares
Pembroke House
21 Pembroke Road
Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1XR
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1) 732 45 00 00
Fax (44-1) 732 45 59 17
E-mail: benbowsher@ukcares.com
Website: http://www.ukcares.com
BM Trada Certification Limited
Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley
High Wycombe, Bucks, HP14 4 NR
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1) 494 56 97 00
Fax (44-1) 494 56 54 87
E-mail: enquiries@bmtrada.com
Website: http://www.bmtrada.com
Warrington Certification Limited
Holmesfield Road, Warrington, WAI 2DS
United Kingdom
Tel. (44-1) 925 64 67 77
Fax (44-1) 925 64 66 67
E-mail: bob.williams@warringtonfire.net
Website: http://www.warringtonfire.net
UWAGA: Komisja będzie niniejszy wykaz regularnie aktualizować
(1) Dz.U. L 40 z 11.2.1989, str. 12.
(2) Dz.U. L 220 z 30.8.1993, str. 1.
(3) Biuro rzecznika