uwzględniając Traktat o funkcjonowaniu Unii Europejskiej, w szczególności art. 127 ust. 2 tiret pierwsze i czwarte,
uwzględniając Statut Europejskiego Systemu Banków Centralnych i Europejskiego Banku Centralnego, w szczególności art. 3 ust. 1 oraz art. 17, 22 i 23,
(1) Transeuropejski zautomatyzowany błyskawiczny system rozrachunku brutto w czasie rzeczywistym (TARGET2) podlega wytycznym Europejskiego Banku Centralnego 2013/47/UE (EBC/2012/27) 2 .
(2) W dniu 6 grudnia 2017 r. Rada Prezesów zatwierdziła projekt konsolidacji T2-T2S, którego celem jest konsolidacja i optymalizacja systemów TARGET2 i TARGET2-Securities (T2S), wykorzystanie najnowocześniejszych metod i innowacji technologicznych, umożliwienie obniżenia łącznych kosztów operacyjnych tych systemów oraz usprawnienie zarządzania płynnością w ramach różnych usług. Rezultatem projektu konsolidacji T2-T2S jest transeuropejski zautomatyzowany błyskawiczny system rozrachunku brutto w czasie rzeczywistym nowej generacji (TARGET), umożliwiający rozrachunek transakcji w euro w pieniądzu banku centralnego.
(3) Z dniem 21 listopada 2022 r. TARGET2 zostanie zastąpiony przez TARGET.
(4) Podobnie jak w przypadku TARGET2, TARGET jest zorganizowany pod względem prawnym jako zbiór systemów płatności, przy czym wszystkie systemy będące komponentami TARGET są w największym możliwym zakresie zharmonizowane.
(5) TARGET zapewnia centralne zarządzanie płynnością, w tym rozrachunek operacji banku centralnego za pośrednictwem głównych rachunków pieniężnych (rachunków MCA), rozrachunek brutto w czasie rzeczywistym (RTGS) płatności wysokokwotowych za pośrednictwem dedykowanych rachunków pieniężnych (rachunków DCA), rozliczenia pieniężne związane z rozrachunkiem transakcji, których przedmiotem są papiery wartościowe za pośrednictwem dedykowanych rachunków pieniężnych T2S (rachunków T2S DCA), rozrachunek płatności natychmiastowych (TIPS) za pośrednictwem dedykowanych rachunków pieniężnych TIPS (rachunków TIPS DCA) oraz rozrachunek systemów zewnętrznych (AS) za pośrednictwem subkont, rachunków technicznych RTGS AS, rachunków funduszu gwarancyjnego AS i rachunków technicznych TIPS AS.
(6) Systemy będące komponentami TARGET2 prowadzone przez odpowiednie banki centralne Eurosystemu zostały zbiorowo wskazane 3 jako systemy płatności o znaczeniu systemowym (SIPS) podlegające rozporządzeniu Europejskiego Banku Centralnego (UE) nr 795/2014 (EBC/2014/28) 4 . Odpowiednie systemy będące komponentami TARGET, jako systemy płatności zastępujące wspomniane systemy będące komponentami TARGET2, podlegają postanowieniom rozporządzenia (UE) nr 795/2014 (EBC/2014/28) i spełniają wymogi nadzorcze określone w tym rozporządzeniu.
(7) Systemy będące komponentami TARGET są następcami prawnymi odpowiednich systemów będących komponentami TARGET2.
(8) W dniu 24 lutego 2022 r. Rada Prezesów przyjęła wytyczne Europejskiego Banku Centralnego (UE) 2022/912 (EBC/2022/8) 5 , które uchylają wytyczne 2013/47/UE (EBC/2012/27).
(9) Uchylenie wytycznych 2013/47/UE (EBC/2012/27) wymaga zmian warunków uczestnictwa w systemie TARGE- T2-ECB. Ze względu na pewność prawa należy przyjąć nową decyzję w celu wdrożenia tych zmian. Należy zatem uchylić decyzję Europejskiego Banku Centralnego 2007/601/WE (EBC/2007/7) 6 .
(10) Aby zapewnić skuteczne wdrożenie wytycznych 2022/912 (EBC/2022/8), niniejsza decyzja powinna wejść w życie niezwłocznie,
Do celów niniejszej decyzji stosuje się definicje określone w załączniku III.
Warunki uczestnictwa w systemie TARGET-ECB
Wejście w życie
Niniejsza decyzja wchodzi w życie piątego dnia po dniu jej opublikowania w Dzienniku Urzędowym Unii Europejskiej.
Niniejszą decyzję stosuje się od dnia 20 marca 2023 r.
Prezes EBC | |
Christine LAGARDE | |
General terms and conditions
The terms and conditions set out in this Part I govern the relationship between the ECB and its participants in TARGET-ECB. The terms and conditions set out in the following Parts II, III, IV, V, VI and VII apply as far as participants opt for and are granted one or more accounts described in such Parts. The terms and conditions set out in Parts I to VII of this Annex are referred to in this Decision collectively as the 'Conditions'.
Appendix I: Technical specifications for the processing of cash transfer orders
Appendix II: TARGET compensation scheme
Appendix III: Terms of reference for capacity and country opinions
Appendix IV: Business continuity and contingency procedures
Appendix V: TARGET operating schedule
Appendix VI: Fee schedule
Appendix VII: Requirements regarding information security management and business continuity management
General description of TARGET
Each account in TARGET-ECB shall be identified by means of a unique account number made up of the elements described in Appendix I, paragraph 2.
Access criteria
Entities managing ancillary systems (including entities established outside the European Economic Area (EEA)) and acting in that capacity, whose access to TARGET-ECB has been approved by the Governing Council, shall be the only entities that are eligible for participation in TARGET-ECB.
Application procedure
AS which use the RTGS AS settlement procedures or the TIPS AS settlement procedure shall be subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Part as well as in Part VI or Part VII, respectively. They may hold one or more MCAs, T2S DCAs and, exceptionally and if approved by the ECB, one or more RTGS DCAs except in relation to the clearing of instant payments pursuant to the SCT Inst scheme. If an AS holds an RTGS DCA or a T2S DCA it shall also hold at least one MCA with the ECB. In the event that an AS holds one or more MCAs or RTGS DCAs or T2S DCAs, the respective Parts of these Conditions shall also apply.
Access to a participant's account by entities other than the participant
Billing Groups
Obligations of the ECB and the participant
Cooperation and information exchange
Remuneration of Accounts
Management of Accounts
Floor and ceiling amounts
Account monitoring group
Acceptance and rejection of cash transfer orders
Entry of cash transfer orders into the system and their irrevocability
Business continuity and contingency procedures
Security requirements
Compensation Scheme
If a cash transfer order cannot be settled on the same business day on which it was accepted due to a technical malfunction of TARGET, the ECB shall offer to compensate the participant concerned in accordance with the special procedure laid down in Appendix II.
Liability regime
Duration and ordinary termination of participation and closure of accounts
Suspension and extraordinary termination of participation
For the purposes of this paragraph, the taking of crisis prevention measures or crisis management measures within the meaning of Directive 2014/59/EU against a participant shall not automatically qualify as the opening of insolvency proceedings.
Closure of TARGET accounts by the ECB on termination of participation
On termination of a participant's participation in TARGET-ECB pursuant to either Article 23 or 24, the ECB shall close the TARGET accounts of the participant concerned, after having settled or rejected any queued cash transfer orders, and made use of its rights of pledge and set-off under Article 26.
The ECB's rights of pledge and set-off
Data protection, prevention of money laundering, administrative or restrictive measures and related issues
For the purposes of this paragraph, the terms 'payment service provider', 'payer' and 'payee' shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the applicable administrative or restrictive measures.
Contractual relationship with a NSP
Amendment procedure
The ECB may at any time unilaterally amend these Conditions, including the Appendices. Amendments to these Conditions, including the Appendices, shall be announced by means of communication in writing to the participants. Amendments shall be deemed to have been accepted unless the participant expressly objects within 14 days of being informed of such amendments. In the event that a participant objects to the amendment, the ECB is entitled immediately to terminate that participant's participation in TARGET-ECB and close any of its TARGET accounts.
Third party rights
Governing law, jurisdiction and place of performance
If any provision in these Conditions is or becomes invalid, this shall not prejudice the applicability of all the other provisions of these Conditions.
Entry into force and binding nature
Special terms and conditions for main cash accounts (MCAS)
Opening and management of an MCA
Co-management of an MCA
If the MCA holder holds more than one MCA, each MCA held may be co-managed by a different comanager. The co-manager shall have the same rights and privileges in relation to an MCA that it co-manages as it has in relation to its own MCA.
MCA liquidity transfer group
Transactions processed via an MCA
Liquidity transfer orders
Rule-based liquidity transfer orders
Processing of cash transfer orders
Liquidity reservation orders
Processing of cash transfer orders in the event of suspension or termination
No intraday credit
No intraday credit is provided to participants in TARGET-ECB.
Special terms and conditions for real-time gross settlement dedicated cash accounts (RTGS DCAS)
Opening and management of an RTGS DCA
Addressable BIC holders
Multi-addressee access
Multi-addressee access is not offered in TARGET-ECB.
RTGS liquidity transfer group
Transactions processed on an RTGS DCA and its sub-accounts
Liquidity transfer orders
Rule-based liquidity transfer orders
Priority rules
Processing of cash transfer orders on RTGS DCAs
Queue management and settlement optimisation
Liquidity reservation orders
Recall request and answer
RTGS directory
Processing of cash transfer orders in the event of suspension or termination
Debit limits
Participants' instructions with regard to settlement times
Payment orders submitted in advance
Direct debit
Back-up payment functionality
In the event of the failure of its payment infrastructure, an RTGS DCA holder may request the ECB to activate the backup payment functionality. This allows the RTGS DCA holder to enter certain payment orders using the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Security rights in relation to funds on sub-accounts
Special terms and conditions for TARGET2-securities dedicated cash accounts (T2S DCAs)
Opening and management of a T2S DCA
Links between securities accounts and T2S DCAs
Transactions processed on T2S DCAs
Liquidity transfer orders
A T2S DCA holder may submit liquidity transfer orders as one of the following:
Reservation and blocking of liquidity
Processing of liquidity transfer orders on T2S DCAs
Processing of cash transfer orders in the event of suspension or termination
No auto-collateralisation
No auto-collateralistion is provided to participants in TARGET-ECB.
Special terms and conditions for TARGET instant payment settlement (TIPS) dedicated cash accounts (TIPS DCAs)
Opening and management of a TIPS DCA
Sending and receiving messages
Reachable parties
Transactions processed on TIPS DCAs
Immediate liquidity transfer orders
A TIPS DCA holder may submit immediate liquidity transfer orders.
Processing of cash transfer orders on TIPS DCAs
Recall request
TIPS directory
MPL repository
Processing of cash transfer orders in the event of suspension or extraordinary termination
Special terms and conditions for ancillary systems (AS) using real-time gross settlement ancillary system (RTGS AS) settlement procedures
Opening and Management of AS technical accounts and use of RTGS AS settlement procedures
Priority of AS transfer orders
All AS transfer orders shall automatically be assigned the priority 'urgent'.
RTGS AS settlement procedure A
RTGS AS settlement procedure B
RTGS AS settlement procedure C
RTGS AS settlement procedure D
RTGS AS settlement procedure E
The AS shall be responsible for ensuring the correct sequencing of AS transfer orders in the file to ensure smooth settlement.
Information period and settlement period
Cross system settlement
Effect of suspension or termination
If the suspension or termination of the use of the AS settlement procedures by an AS occurs during the settlement cycle of AS transfer orders, the ECB may complete the settlement cycle.
Special terms and conditions for ancillary systems using the TARGET instant payment settlement (TIPS) ancillary system settlement procedure (TIPS AS settlement procedure)
Opening and management of a TIPS AS technical account
Sending and receiving messages
Article 7 of Part I shall apply to a TIPS AS technical account holder that sends or receives messages via an instructing party as though that TIPS AS technical holder sends or receives messages directly.
Immediate liquidity transfer orders
A TIPS AS technical account holder may submit immediate liquidity transfer orders.
Processing of cash transfer orders on TIPS AS technical accounts
Recall request
TIPS AS settlement procedure
The TIPS AS settlement procedure shall be operational during the times set out in Appendix V.
Reachable parties via a TIPS AS technical account
Transactions processed on TIPS AS technical accounts
TIPS directory
MPL repository
Processing of cash transfer orders in the event of suspension or extraordinary termination
Each participant shall pass a series of tests to prove its technical and operational competence before it may participate in TARGET-ECB.
Each participant's account shall be identified by a unique account number of up to 34 characters made up of five sections as follows:
Name | No. of Characters | Content |
Account type | 1 |
M = MCA R = RTGS DCA C = T2S DCA I = TIPS DCA T = RTGS AS Technical account U = Sub-account A = TIPS AS Technical account G = AS Guarantee funds account D = Overnight deposit account X = Contingency Account |
Country Code of Central Bank | 2 | ISO Country code: 3166-1 |
Currency code | 3 | EUR |
BIC | 11 | Account holder BIC |
Account name | Max. 17 | Free text (1) |
(1) For sub-accounts this section must start with the 3-character AS code as defined by the central bank. |
Message Type | Description |
head.001 | Business application header |
head.002 | Business file header |
Message Type | Description |
Administration (admi) | |
admi.004 | SystemEventNotification |
admi.005 | ReportQueryRequest |
admi.007 | ReceiptAcknowledgement |
Cash Management (camt) | |
camt.003 | GetAccount |
camt.004 | ReturnAccount |
camt.005 | GetTransaction |
camt.006 | ReturnTransaction |
camt.018 | GetBusinessDayInformation |
camt.019 | ReturnBusinessDayInformation |
camt.025 | Receipt |
camt.046 | GetReservation |
camt.047 | ReturnReservation |
camt.048 | ModifyReservation |
camt.049 | DeleteReservation |
camt.050 | LiquidityCreditTransfer |
camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
camt.054 | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
Payments clearing and Settlement (pacs) | |
pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
pacs.010 | FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit |
Administration (admi) | |
admi.004 | SystemEventNotification |
admi.005 | ReportQueryRequest |
admi.007 | ReceiptAcknowledgement |
Cash Management (camt) | |
camt.003 | GetAccount |
camt.004 | ReturnAccount |
camt.005 | GetTransaction |
camt.006 | ReturnTransaction |
camt.007 | ModifyTransaction |
camt.009 | GetLimit |
camt.010 | ReturnLimit |
camt.011 | ModifyLimit |
camt.012 | DeleteLimit |
camt.018 | GetBusinessDayInformation |
camt.019 | ReturnBusinessDayInformation |
camt.021 | ReturnGeneralBusinessInformation |
camt.025 | Receipt |
camt.029 | ResolutionOfInvestigation |
camt.046 | GetReservation |
camt.047 | ReturnReservation |
camt.048 | ModifyReservation |
camt.049 | DeleteReservation |
camt.050 | LiquidityCreditTransfer |
camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
camt.054 | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
camt.056 | FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest |
Payments Clearing and Settlement (pacs) | |
pacs.002 | PaymentStatusReport |
pacs.004 | PaymentReturn |
pacs.008 | CustomerCreditTransfer |
pacs.009 | FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer |
pacs.010 | FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit |
Payments Initiation (pain) | |
pain.998 | ASInitiationStatus |
pain.998 | ASTransferNotice |
pain.998 | ASTransferInitiation |
Message Type | Description |
Administration (admi) | |
admi.005 | ReportQueryRequest |
admi.006 | ResendRequestSystemEventNotification |
admi.007 | ReceiptAcknowledgement |
Cash Management (camt) | |
(camt.003) | GetAccount |
(camt.004) | ReturnAccount |
(camt.005) | GetTransaction |
(camt.006) | ReturnTransaction |
(camt.009) | GetLimit |
(camt.010) | ReturnLimit |
(camt.011) | ModifyLimit |
(camt.012) | DeleteLimit |
(camt.018) | GetBusinessDayInformation |
(camt.019) | ReturnBusinessDayInformation |
(camt.024) | ModifyStandingOrder |
(camt.025) | Receipt |
(camt.050) | LiquidityCreditTransfer |
(camt.051) | LiquidityDebitTransfer |
(camt.052) | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
(camt.053) | BankToCustomerStatement |
(camt.054) | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
(camt.064) | LimitUtilisationJournalQuery |
(camt.065) | LimitUtilisationJournalReport |
(camt.066) | IntraBalanceMovementInstruction |
(camt.067) | IntraBalanceMovementStatusAdvice |
(camt.068) | IntraBalanceMovementConfirmation |
(camt.069) | GetStandingOrder |
(camt.070) | ReturnStandingOrder |
(camt.071) | DeleteStandingOrder |
(camt.072) | IntraBalanceMovementModificationRequest |
(camt.073) | IntraBalanceMovementModificationRequestStatusAdvice |
(camt.074) | IntraBalanceMovementCancellationRequest |
(camt.075) | IntraBalanceMovementCancellationRequestStatusAdvice |
(camt.078) | IntraBalanceMovementQuery |
(camt.079) | IntraBalanceMovementQueryResponse |
(camt.080) | IntraBalanceModificationQuery |
(camt.081) | IntraBalanceModificationReport |
(camt.082) | IntraBalanceCancellationQuery |
(camt.083) | IntraBalanceCancellationReport |
(camt.084) | IntraBalanceMovementPostingReport |
(camt.085) | IntraBalanceMovementPendingReport |
Message Type | Description |
Administration (admi) | |
Pacs.002 | FIToFIPayment Status Report |
Pacs.004 | PaymentReturn |
Pacs.008 | FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer |
Pacs.028 | FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest |
Cash Management (camt) | |
camt.003 | GetAccount |
camt.004 | ReturnAccount |
camt.011 | ModifyLimit |
camt.019 | ReturnBusinessDayInformation |
camt.025 | Receipt |
camt.029 | ResolutionOfInvestigation |
camt.050 | LiquidityCreditTransfer |
camt.052 | BankToCustomerAccountReport |
camt.053 | BankToCustomerStatement |
camt.054 | BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification |
camt.056 | FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest |
acmt.010 | AccountRequestAcknowledgement |
acmt.011 | AccountRequestRejection |
acmt.015 | AccountExcludedMandateMaintenanceRequest |
Reference data (reda) | |
reda.016 | PartyStatusAdviceV01 |
reda.022 | PartyModificationRequestV01 |
All cash transfer orders shall pass a double-entry check, the aim of which is to reject orders that have been submitted more than once (duplicated cash transfer orders). Details can be found in Part I, Section 3 of the relevant UDFS.
Validation of messages is carried out according to High Value Payments Plus (HVPS+) guidelines on message validations specified by the ISO 20022 standard, and TARGET-specific validations. The detailed validation rules and error codes are described in the respective parts of the UDFS as follows:
If an instant payment order or a positive recall answer is rejected for any reason, the TIPS DCA holder shall receive a payment status report [pacs.002], as described in Chapter 4.2 of the TIPS UDFS. If a liquidity transfer order is rejected for any reason, the TIPS DCA holder shall receive a rejection [camt.025], as described in Chapter 1.6 of the TIPS UDFS.
Under both options, if a payment order with a Latest Debit Time Indicator is not settled 15 minutes prior to the time indicated therein, a notification shall automatically be sent via the GUI.
'(EventType/ExctnTp/Evt/)' shall be used.
'FromDate/VldtyPrd/FrDt/' and 'ToDate/VldtyPrd/ToDt/'.
Offsetting checks and, if appropriate, extended offsetting checks (both terms as defined in subparagraphs a) and b) shall be carried out on cash transfer orders to facilitate the smooth settlement.
Four algorithms shall be applied to facilitate the smooth settlement of payment flows. Further information is available in the RTGS UDFS Part 2.
Thereafter, the ECB and the other CBs involved shall, provided there are sufficient funds, settle the relevant remaining cash transfer orders (except the extracted payment orders described in point (ii)) simultaneously on the RTGS DCAs of the participants concerned.
When extracting payment orders, the ECB shall start from the participant's RTGS DCA with the highest negative total liquidity position and from the payment order at the end of the queue with the lowest priority. The selection process shall only run for a short time, to be determined by the ECB at its discretion.
After performing the checks specified in points (i) to (ii), the ECB shall check the multilateral settlement positions (between a participant's RTGS DCA and other participants' RTGS DCAs in relation to which a multilateral limit has been set). For this purpose, the procedure described under subparagraphs (i) to (ii) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Participants shall connect to TARGET using one of the following modes.
The modes of connection are described in further detail in the ESMIG UDFS.
Further details and examples explaining the above rules are contained in the respective UDFS and the User Handbooks for each service, as amended from time to time and published on the ECB's website in English.
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Participation in TARGET-ECB
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have been asked to provide this Opinion as [in-house or external] legal advisers to [specify name of Participant or branch of Participant] in respect of issues arising under the laws of [jurisdiction in which the Participant is established; hereinafter the 'jurisdiction'] in connection with the participation of [specify name of Participant] (hereinafter the 'Participant') in TARGET-ECB (hereinafter the 'System').
This Opinion is confined to the laws of [jurisdiction] as they exist as on the date of this Opinion. We have made no investigation of the laws of any other jurisdiction as a basis for this Opinion, and do not express or imply any opinion in this regard. Each of the statements and opinions presented below applies with equal accuracy and validity under the laws of [jurisdiction], whether or not the Participant acts through its head office or one or more branches established inside or outside of [jurisdiction] in submitting Cash transfer orders and receiving Cash transfers.
For the purposes of this Opinion, we have examined:
(1) a certified copy of the [specify relevant constitutional documents] of the Participant such as is/ar in effect on the date hereof;
(2) [if applicable] an extract from the [specify relevant company register] and [if applicable] [register of credit institutions or analogous register];
(3) [to the extent applicable] a copy of the Participant's licence or other proof of authorisation to provide banking, investment, funds transfer or other financial services in line with the access criteria for participation in TARGET in [jurisdiction];
(4) [if applicable] a copy of a resolution adopted by the board of directors or the relevant governin body of the Participant on [insert date], [insert year], evidencing the Participant's agreement to adhere to the System Documents, as defined below; and
(5) [specify all powers of attorney and other documents constituting or evidencing the requisite power of the person or persons signing the relevant System Documents (as defined below) on behalf of the Participant];
and all other documents relating to the Participant's constitution, powers, and authorisations necessary or appropriate for the provision of this Opinion (hereinafter the 'Participant Documents').
For the purposes of this Opinion, we have also examined:
(1) Decision (EU) [YYYY/[XX]] of the European Central Bank of [date Month 2022] concerning the terms and conditions of TARGET-ECB ([ECB/2022/XX]) 15 for the System (hereinafter the 'Rules'); and
(2) [...].
The Rules and the [...] shall be referred to hereinafter as the 'System Documents' (and collectively with the Participant Documents as the 'Documents').
For the purposes of this Opinion we have assumed in relation to the Documents that:
(1) the System Documents with which we have been provided are originals or true copies;
(2) the terms of the System Documents and the rights and obligations created by them are valid and legally binding under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany by which they are expressed to be governed, and the choice of the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to govern the System Documents is recognised by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany;
(3) the Participant Documents are within the capacity and power of and have been validly authorised, adopted or executed and, where necessary, delivered by the relevant parties; and
(4) the Participant Documents are binding on the parties to which they are addressed, and there has been no breach of any of their terms.
A. The Participant is a corporation duly established and registered or otherwise duly incorporated or organised under the laws of [jurisdiction].
B. The Participant has all the requisite corporate powers to execute and perform the rights and obligations under the System Documents to which it is party.
C. The adoption or execution and the performance by the Participant of the rights and obligations under the System Documents to which the Participant is party do not in any way breach any provision of the laws or regulations of [jurisdiction] applicable to the Participant or the Participant Documents.
D. No additional authorisations, approvals, consents, filings, registrations, notarisations or other certifications of or with any court or governmental, judicial or public authority that is competent in [jurisdiction] are required by the Participant in connection with the adoption, validity or enforceability of any of the System Documents or the execution or performance of the rights and obligations thereunder.
E. The Participant has taken all necessary corporate action and other steps necessary under the law of [jurisdiction] to ensure that its obligations under the System Documents are legal, valid and binding.
This Opinion is stated as of its date and is addressed solely to the ECB and the [Participant]. No other persons may rely on this Opinion, and the contents of this Opinion may not be disclosed to persons other than its intended recipients and their legal counsel without our prior written consent, with the exception of the national central banks of the European System of Central Banks and the relevant regulatory authorities of [jurisdiction].
Yours faithfully,
Terms of reference for country opinions for non-EEA participants in TARGET
European Central Bank
Sonnemannstrasse 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main
Participation in TARGET-ECB
Dear Sir or Madam,
We have been asked as [external] legal advisers to [specify name of Participant or branch of Participant] (the 'Participant') in respect of issues arising under the laws of [jurisdiction in which the Participant is established; hereinafter the 'jurisdiction'] to provide this Opinion under the laws of [jurisdiction] in connection with the participation of the Participant in TARGET- ECB which is a component system of TARGET (hereinafter the 'System'). References herein to the laws of [jurisdiction] include all applicable regulations of [jurisdiction]. We express an opinion herein under the law of [jurisdiction], with particular regard to the Participant established outside the Federal Republic of Germany in relation to rights and obligations arising from participation in the System, as presented in the System Documents defined below.
This Opinion is confined to the laws of [jurisdiction] as they exist on the date of this Opinion. We have made no investigation of the laws of any other jurisdiction as a basis for this Opinion, and do not express or imply any opinion in this regard. We have assumed that there is nothing in the laws of another jurisdiction which affects this Opinion.
For the purposes of this Opinion, we have examined the documents listed below and such other documents as we have deemed necessary or appropriate:
(1) Decision (EU) [YYYY/[XX]] of the European Central Bank of [date Month 2022] concerning the terms and conditions of TARGET-ECB ([ECB/2022/XX]) 16 for the System (hereinafter the 'Rules'); and
(2) any other document governing the System and/or the relationship between the Participant and other participants in the System, and between the participants in the System and the ECB.
The Rules and the [ .. ] shall be referred to hereinafter as the 'System Documents'.
For the purposes of this Opinion we have assumed in relation to the System Documents that:
(1) the System Documents are within the capacity and power of and have been validly authorised, adopted or executed and, where necessary, delivered by the relevant parties;
(2) the terms of the System Documents and the rights and obligations created by them are valid and legally binding under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, by which they are expressed to be governed, and the choice of the laws of the Federal Republic of Gernany to govern the System Documents is recognised by the laws of the Federal Republic of Gernany;
(3) the participants in the System through which any Cash transfer orders are sent or Cash transfers are received, or through which any rights or obligations under the System Documents are executed or performed, are licensed to provide funds transfer services, in all relevant jurisdictions; and
(4) the documents submitted to us in copy or as specimens conform to the originals.
Based on and subject to the foregoing, and subject in each case to the points set out below, we are of the opinion that:
3.1. Country-specific legal aspects [to the extent applicable]
The following characteristics of the legislation of [jurisdiction] are consistent with and in no way set aside the obligations of the Participant arising out of the System Documents: [list of country-specific legal aspects].
3.2. General insolvency issues
3.2.a. Types of insolvency proceedings
The only types of insolvency proceedings (including composition or rehabilitation) which, for the purpose of this Opinion, shall include all proceedings in respect of the Participant's assets or any branch it may have in [jurisdiction] to which the Participant may become subject in [jurisdiction], are the following: [list proceedings in original language and English translation] (together collectively referred to as 'Insolvency Proceedings').
In addition to Insolvency Proceedings, the Participant, any of its assets, or any branch it may have in [jurisdiction] may become subject in [jurisdiction] to [list any applicable moratorium, receivership, or any other proceedings as a result of which payments to and/or from the Participant may be suspended, or limitations can be imposed in relation to such payments, or similar proceedings in original language and English translation] (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Proceedings').
3.2.b. Insolvency treaties
[jurisdiction] or certain political subdivisions within [jurisdiction], as specified, is/are party to the following insolvency treaties: [specify, if applicable which have or may have an impact on this Opinion].
3.3. Enforceability of System Documents
Subject to the points set out below, all provisions of the System Documents will be binding an enforceable in accordance with their terms under the laws of [jurisdiction], in particular in the event of the opening of any Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings with respect to the Participant.
In particular, we are of the opinion that:
3.3.a. Processing of Cash transfer orders
The provisions on processing of Cash transfer orders of the Rules [add the relevant provisions implementing Articles 16 and 17 of Part I of Annex I, Articles 4 to 7 and 9 of Part II of Annex I, Articles 5 to 10 and 14 to 16 of Part III of Annex I, Articles 4 and 6 to 7 of Part IV of Annex I, Articles 6 and 10 of Part V of Annex I] are valid and enforceable. In particular, all Cash transfer orders processed pursuant to such sections will be valid, binding and will be enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
The provision of the Rules which specifies the precise point in time at which Cash transfer orders submitted by the Participant to the System become enforceable and irrevocable [add the relevant provision implementing Article 17 of Annex 1, Part I] is valid, binding and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.3.b. Authority of the ECB to perform its functions
The opening of Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings in respect of the Participant will not affect the authority and powers of the ECB arising out of the System Documents. [Specify [to the extent applicable] that: the same opinion is also applicable in respect of any other entity which provides the Participants with services directly and necessarily required for participation in the System, e.g. NSP].
3.3.c. Remedies in the event of default
[Where applicable to the Participant, the provisions contained in [list of sections] of the Rules regarding accelerated performance of claims which have not yet matured, the set-off of claims for using the deposits of the Participant, the enforcement of a pledge, suspension and termination of participation, claims for default interest, and termination of agreements and transactions ([insert other relevant clauses of the Rules or the System Documents]) are valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].] 3.3.d. Suspension and termination
Where applicable to the Participant, the provisions contained in [list of sections] of the Rules (in respect of suspension and termination of the Participant's participation in the System on the opening of Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings or other events of default, as defined in the System Documents, or if the Participant represents any kind of systemic risk or has serious operational problems) are valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.3.e. Penalty regime
Where applicable to the Participant, the provisions contained in [list of sections] of the Rules in respect of penalties imposed on a Participant which is unable to reimburse intraday credit or overnight credit, where applicable, on time are valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.3.f. Assignment of rights and obligations
The rights and obligations of the Participant cannot be assigned, altered or otherwise transferred by the Participant to third parties without the prior written consent of the ECB.
3.3.g. Choice of governing law and jurisdiction
The provisions contained in [list of sections] of the Rules, and in particular in respect of the governing law, the resolution of a dispute, competent courts, and service of process are valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.4. Voidable preferences
We are of the opinion that no obligation arising out of the System Documents, the performance thereof, or compliance therewith prior to the opening of any Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings in respect of the Participant may be set aside in any such proceedings as a preference, voidable transaction or otherwise under the laws of [jurisdiction].
In particular, and without limitation to the foregoing, we express this opinion in respect of any Cas transfer orders submitted by any participant in the System. In particular, we are of the opinion that the provisions of [list of sections] of the Rules establishing the enforceability and irrevocability of Cash transfer orders will be valid and enforceable and that a Cash transfer orders submitted by any participant and processed pursuant to [list of sections] of the Rules may not be set aside in any Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings as a preference, voidable transaction or otherwise under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.5. Attachment
If a creditor of the Participant seeks an attachment order (including any freezing order, order for seizure or any other public or private law procedure that is intended to protect the public interest or the rights of the Participant's creditors) - hereinafter referred to as an 'Attachment' - under the laws of [jurisdiction] from a court or governmental, judicial or public authority that is competent in [jurisdiction], we are of the opinion that [insert the analysis and discussion].
3.6. Collateral [if applicable] 3.6.a. Assignment of rights or deposit of assets for collateral purposes, pledge and/or repo
Assignments for collateral purposes will be valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction]. Specifically, the creation and enforcement of a pledge or repo under the [insert reference to the relevant arrangement with the CB] will be valid and enforceable under the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.6.b. Priority of assignees', pledgees' or repo purchasers' interest over that of other claimants
In the event of Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings in respect of the Participant, the rights or assets assigned for collateral purposes, or pledged by the Participant in favour of the ECB or other participants in the System, will rank in priority of payment above the claims of all other creditors of the Participant and will not be subject to priority or preferential creditors.
3.6.c. Enforcing title to security
Even in the event of Insolvency Proceedings or Proceedings in respect of the Participant, other participants in the System and the ECB as [assignees, pledgees or repo purchasers as applicable] will still be free to enforce and collect the Participant's rights or assets through the action of the ECB pursuant to the Rules.
3.6.d. Form and registration requirements
There are no form requirements for the assignment for collateral purposes of, or the creation and enforcement of a pledge or repo over the Participant's rights or assets and it is not necessary for the [assignment for collateral purposes, pledge or repo, as applicable], or any particulars of such [assignment, pledge or repo, as applicable,] to be registered or filed with any court or governmental, judicial or public authority that is competent in [jurisdiction].
3.7. Branches [to the extent applicable]
3.7.a. Opinion applies to action through branches
Each of the statements and opinions presented above with regard to the Participant applies with equal accuracy and validity under the laws of [jurisdiction] in situations where the Participant acts through its one or more of its branches established outside [jurisdiction].
3.7.b. Conformity with law
Neither the execution and performance of the rights and obligations under the System Documents nor the submission, transmission or receipt of Cash transfer orders by a branch of the Participant will in any respect breach the laws of [jurisdiction].
3.7.c. Required authorisations
Neither the execution and performance of the rights and obligations under the System Documents nor the submission, transmission or receipt of Cash transfer orders by a branch of a Participant will require any additional authorisations, approvals, consents, filings, registrations, notarisations or other certifications of or with any court or governmental, judicial or public authority that is competent in [jurisdiction].
This Opinion is stated as of its date and is addressed solely to the ECB and the [Participant]. No other persons may rely on this Opinion, and the contents of this Opinion may not be disclosed to persons other than its intended recipients and their legal counsel without our prior written consent, with the exception of the European Central Bank and the national central banks of the European System of Central Banks [and [the national central bank/relevant regulatory authorities] of [jurisdiction]].
Yours faithfully, [signature]
This Appendix sets out the arrangements between the ECB and participants, if TARGET or one or more of the NSPs fail or are affected by an abnormal external event, or if the failure affects any participant.
All references to specific times in this Appendix are to the local time at the seat of the ECB.
Provisions set out in this section 1 shall apply to MCAs, RTGS DCAs and their sub-accounts, RTGS AS technical accounts, T2S DCAs, TIPS DCAs and TIPS AS technical accounts.
In addition to the provisions set out in section 1, the provisions set out in this section 2 shall apply specifically to RTGS DCA holders and AS that make use of the RTGS AS settlement procedures.
In addition to the provisions set out in section 1, the provisions of this section 3 shall apply specifically to MCA holders.
In addition to the provisions set out in section 1, the provisions set out in this section 4 shall apply specifically to T2S DCA holders.
HH:MM | MCAs | RTGS DCAs (1) | T2S DCAs | TIPS DCAs (2) |
18:45 (D-1) | Start of business day: Change of value date | Start of business day: Change of value date | Start of business day: Change of value date Preparation of the night-time settlement |
Processing of instant payment orders and liquidity transfer orders to/from TIPS AS technical accounts. No liquidity transfers between TIPS DCAs and other accounts |
19:00 (D-1) |
Settlement of CBOs Reimbursement of marginal lending Refunding of overnight deposits Processing of automated and rule-based liquidity transfers orders |
Deadline for acceptance of CMS data feeds Preparation of the night-time settlement | ||
19:30 (D-1) | Settlement of CBOs Processing of standing liquidity transfer orders Processing of immediate liquidity transfer orders | Settlement of AS transfer orders Processing of standing liquidity transfer orders Processing of automated, rule-based and immediate liquidity transfer orders | Processing of instant payment orders and liquidity transfer orders from/to MCAs and RTGS DCAs | |
20:00 (D-1) | Night-time settlement cycles | Processing of liquidity transfer orders from/to T2S DCAs | ||
02:30 (calendar day following D-1) |
Non-optional maintenance window on - business days after closing days including every business day Monday Optional maintenance window (if needed) from 03:00-05:00 on remaining days |
Non-optional maintenance window on - business days after closing days including every business day Monday Optional maintenance window (if needed) from 03:00-05:00 on remaining days |
Non-optional maintenance window on - business days after closing days including every business day Monday Optional maintenance window (if needed) from 03:00-05:00 on remaining days (3) |
Processing of instant payment orders and liquidity transfer orders to/from TIPS AS technical accounts. No liquidity transfer orders between TIPS DCAs and other accounts |
Re-opening time* (D) | Settlement of CBOs Processing of automated, rule-based and immediate liquidity transfer orders |
Settlement of AS transfer orders Processing of automated, rule-based and immediate liquidity transfer orders. Processing the customer and interbank payment orders |
Night-time settlement cycles | Processing of instant payment orders and liquidity transfer orders to/from TIPS AS technical accounts and liquidity transfer orders between TIPS DCAs and other accounts. |
05:00 (D) |
Day trade/Real-time settlement: Real-time settlement preparation Partial settlement windows (4) |
16:00 (D) | Cut-off for DvP orders | |||
16:30 (D) | Automatic autocollateralisation reimbursement, followed by the optional cash sweep | |||
17:00 (D) | Cut-off for customer payment orders | |||
17:40 (D) | Cut-off for bilaterally agreed treasury management operations (BATM) and CBO cut-off | |||
17:45 (D) |
Cut-off for liquidity transfer orders to T2S- DCAs |
Cut-off for inbound liquidity transfer orders | Blocking of liquidity transfer orders from TIPS DCAs to T2S DCAs. No liquidity transfer orders between T2S DCAs and TIPS DCAs are processed during this period | |
18:00 (D) |
Cut-off for: - liquidity transfer orders - CBOs, except standing facilities - credit line modifications |
Cut-off for: - interbank payment orders and - liquidity transfer orders - AS transfer orders |
FOP cut-off End of T2S settlement processing Recycling and purging End of day reporting and statements |
Processing of instant payment orders and liquidity transfer orders to/from TIPS AS technical accounts. Blocking of liquidity transfer orders from TIPS DCAs to MCA/RTGS and T2S DCAs. No liquidity transfer orders between TIPS DCAs and other accounts are processed during this period. |
Shortly after 18:00: Change of business day (after receiving the camt.019 message from MCA/RTGS) Snapshot of TIPS DCAs balances and end-of-day reporting |
18:15 (D) | Cut-off for the use of standing facilities | |||
18:40 (D) |
Cut-off for use of marginal lending (NCBs only) End-of-day processing |
(1) Also applies to RTGS AS technical accounts, sub-accounts and AS guarantee fund accounts. (2) Also applies to TIPS AS technical accounts. (3) For T2S DCAs: for the purpose of the maintenance window, 1 May shall be considered as a business day. (4) Partial settlement windows take place at 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00 and 15:30 (or 30 minutes before the beginning of the DvP cut-off time, whichever comes first). |
The operating hours may be changed in the event that business continuity measures are adopted in accordance with Appendix IV. On the last day of the Eurosystem reserve maintenance period, the cut-off times 18:15, 18:40, 18:45, 19:00 and 19:30 for MCAs and RTGS DCAs (as well as RTGS AS technical accounts and sub-accounts and AS guarantee fund accounts) shall occur 15 minutes later.
List of abbreviations and notes to this table:
* Re-opening times: may vary according to the situation. The information is provided by the Operator.
(D-1): previous business day
(D): calendar day = business day = value date
CMS: Collateral Management System
DvP orders: Delivery versus Payment orders.
MCAs and transactions settled on them shall not incur fees.
Monthly fee | EUR 150 | |
Transaction fee per payment order | EUR 0,80 |
Monthly fee | EUR 1 875 | ||
Monthly volume of payment orders | |||
Band | From | To | Transaction fee per payment order (EUR) |
1. | 1 | 10 000 | 0,60 |
2. | 10 001 | 25 000 | 0,50 |
3. | 25 001 | 50 000 | 0,40 |
4. | 50 001 | 75 000 | 0,20 |
5. | 75 001 | 100 000 | 0,125 |
6. | 100 001 | 150 000 | 0,08 |
7. | Above 150 000 | 0,05 |
Service | Monthly fee (EUR) |
Addressable BIC holder (correspondents (1)) | 20 |
Unpublished BIC | 30 |
Multi-addressee access (based on BIC 8) | 80 |
(1) Addressable BIC holders are available for different participant types: Addressable BIC holder - Correspondent; Addressable BIC holder - Branch of Participant; and Addressable BIC holder - Branch of correspondent. Only the Addressable BIC holder - Correspondent participation type shall incur the fee. The fee shall be charged for each different BIC 11. |
Fees are charged per ancillary system regardless of the number and type of accounts. AS Operators operating more than one system will be charged for each system.
Monthly fee | EUR 300 | |
Transaction fee per cash transfer order | EUR 1,60 |
Monthly fee | EUR 3 750 |
Monthly volume of cash transfer orders
Band | From | To | Transaction fee per cash transfer order (EUR) |
1. | 1 | 5 000 | 1,20 |
2. | 5 001 | 12 500 | 1,00 |
3. | 12 501 | 25 000 | 0,80 |
4. | 25 001 | 50 000 | 0,40 |
5. | Above 50 000 | 0,25 |
Cash transfer orders between an RTGS DCA and an AS account 24 shall be charged to the respective A according to the pricing option that the AS has opted for.
A. Fixed fee I | |||
Monthly fee per AS | EUR 2 000 | ||
B. Fixed fee II (based on gross underlying value (1)) | |||
Size (EUR millions/day) | Annual fee (EUR) | Monthly fee (EUR) | |
from 0 to 999,99 | 10 000 | 833 | |
from 1 000 to 2 499,99 | 20 000 | 1 667 | |
from 2 500 to 4 999,99 | 40 000 | 3 334 | |
from 5 000 to 9 999,99 | 60 000 | 5 000 | |
from 10 000 to 49 999,99 | 80 000 | 6 666 | |
from 50 000 to 499 999,99 | 100 000 | 8 333 | |
500 000 and above | 200 000 | 16 667 | |
(1) The 'gross underlying value' is the total amount of gross monetary obligations that are discharged via an AS after settlement has taken place on an RTGS DCA or sub-account. For CCPs, the gross underlying value is the total notional value of future contracts or the mark-to-market value of the future contracts, at values to be settled when futures contracts expire and commissions are applied. |
Item | Applied rule | Fee per item (EUR) |
Liquidity transfer orders between T2S DCAs | Per transfer for the debited T2S DCA. | 0,141 |
Intra-balance movements | Any successfully executed intra-balance movement (i.e. blocking, unblocking, reservation of liquidity, etc.). | 0,094 |
A2A queries | Per business item within each A2A query generated | 0,007 |
A2A reports | Per business item within each generated A2A report including A2A reports as a result of U2A queries. | 0,004 |
Messages bundled into a file | Per message in each file containing bundled messages | 0,004 |
Transmission | Each transmission per T2S party (both inbound and outbound) will be counted and charged for (except for technical acknowledgement messages). | 0,012 |
U2A queries | Any executed query search function | 0,100 |
Fee per T2S DCA | Any T2S DCA existing at any time during the monthly billing period Currently free of charge, to be reviewed at regular intervals. | 0,000 |
Auto-collateralisation | Issue or return of auto-collateralisation | 0,000 |
Item | Rule applied | Fee per item (EUR) |
Settled instant payment order | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS DCA to be debited | 0,002 |
Unsettled instant payment order | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS DCA to be debited | 0,002 |
Settled positive recall answer | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS DCA to be credited | 0,002 |
Unsettled positive recall answer | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS DCA to be credited | 0,002 |
Item | Rule applied | Fee per item (EUR) |
Settled instant payment order | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS AS technical account to be debited | 0,002 |
Unsettled instant payment order | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS AS technical account to be debited | 0,002 |
Settled positive recall answer | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS AS technical account to be credited | 0,002 |
Unsettled positive recall answer | Party to be charged: the owner of the TIPS AS technical account to be credited | 0,002 |
Reported gross underlying volume | ||
From | To | Unit Fee (EUR) |
0 | 10 000 000 | 0,00040 |
10 000 001 | 25 000 000 | 0,00030 |
25 000 001 | 100 000 000 | 0,00020 |
100 000 001 | 0,00015" |
The requirements set out in section 1 of this Appendix VII (information security management) shall apply to all RTGS DCA holders and AS, except where an RTGS DCA holder or an AS demonstrates that a specific requirement is not applicable to it. In establishing the scope of application of the requirements within its infrastructure, the participant should identify the elements that are part of the Payment Transaction Chain (PTC). Specifically, the PTC starts at a Point of Entry (PoE), i.e. a system involved in the creation of transactions (e.g. workstations, front-office and back-office applications, middleware), and ends at the system responsible to send the message to the NSP.
The requirements set out in section 2 of this Appendix VII (business continuity management) shall apply to RTGS DCA holders and AS designated by the Eurosystem as being critical for the smooth functioning of the TARGET system on the basis of criteria periodically updated and published on the ECB's website.
Requirement 1.1: Information security policy
The management shall set a clear policy direction in line with business objectives and demonstrate support for and commitment to information security through the issuance, approval and maintenance of an information security policy aiming at managing information security and cyber resilience across the organisation in terms of identification, assessment and treatment of information security and cyber resilience risks. The policy should contain at least the following sections: objectives, scope (including domains such as organisation, human resources, asset management etc.), principles and allocation of responsibilities.
Requirement 1.2: Internal organisation
An information security framework shall be established to implement the information security policy within the organisation. The management shall coordinate and review the establishment of the information security framework to ensure the implementation of the information security policy (as per Requirement 1.1) across the organisation, including the allocation of sufficient resources and assignment of security responsibilities for this purpose.
Requirement 1.3: External parties
The security of the organisation's information and information processing facilities should not be reduced by the introduction of, and/or the dependence on, an external party/parties or products/services provided by them. Any access to the organisation's information processing facilities by external parties shall be controlled. When external parties or products/servi- ces of external parties are required to access the organisation's information processing facilities, a risk assessment shall be carried out to determine the security implications and control requirements. Controls shall be agreed and defined in an agreement with each relevant external party.
Requirement 1.4: Asset management
All information assets, the business processes and the underlying information systems, such as operating systems, infrastructures, business applications, off-the-shelf products, services and user-developed applications, in the scope of the Payment Transaction Chain shall be accounted for and have a nominated owner. The responsibility for the maintenance and the operation of appropriate controls in the business processes and the related IT components to safeguard the information assets shall be assigned. Note: the owner can delegate the implementation of specific controls as appropriate, but remains accountable for the proper protection of the assets.
Requirement 1.5: Information assets classification
Information assets shall be classified in terms of their criticality to the smooth delivery of the service by the participant. The classification shall indicate the need, priorities and degree of protection required when handling the information asset in the relevant business processes and shall also take into consideration the underlying IT components. An information asset classification scheme approved by the management shall be used to define an appropriate set of protection controls throughout the information asset lifecycle (including removal and destruction of information assets) and to communicate the need for specific handling measures.
Requirement 1.6: Human resources security
Security responsibilities shall be addressed prior to employment in adequate job descriptions and in terms and conditions of employment. All candidates for employment, contractors and third-party users shall be adequately screened, especially for sensitive jobs. Employees, contractors and third-party users of information processing facilities shall sign an agreement on their security roles and responsibilities.
An adequate level of awareness shall be ensured among all employees, contractors and third-party users, and education and training in security procedures and the correct use of information processing facilities shall be provided to them to minimise possible security risks. A formal disciplinary process for handling security breaches shall be established for employees.
Responsibilities shall be in place to ensure that an employee's, contractor's or third-party user's exit from or transfer within the organisation is managed, and that the return of all equipment and the removal of all access rights are completed.
Requirement 1.7: Physical and environmental security
Critical or sensitive information processing facilities shall be housed in secure areas, protected by defined security perimeters, with appropriate security barriers and entry controls. They shall be physically protected from unauthorised access, damage and interference. Access shall be granted only to individuals who fall within the scope of Requirement 1.6. Procedures and standards shall be established to protect physical media containing information assets when in transit.
Equipment shall be protected from physical and environmental threats. Protection of equipment (including equipment used off-site) and against the removal of property is necessary to reduce the risk of unauthorised access to information and to guard against loss or damage of equipment or information.
Special measures may be required to protect against physical threats and to safeguard supporting facilities such as the electrical supply and cabling infrastructure.
Requirement 1.8: Operations management
Responsibilities and procedures shall be established for the management and operation of information processing facilities covering all the underlying systems in the Payment Transaction Chain end-to-end. As regards operating procedures, including technical administration of IT systems, segregation of duties shall be implemented, where appropriate, to reduce the risk of negligent or deliberate system misuse.
Where segregation of duties cannot be implemented due to documented objective reasons, compensatory controls shall be implemented following a formal risk analysis. Controls shall be established to prevent and detect the introduction of malicious code for systems in the Payment Transaction Chain. Controls shall be also established (including user awareness) to prevent, detect and remove malicious code. Mobile code shall be used only from trusted sources (e.g. signed Microsoft COM components and Java Applets). The configuration of the browser (e.g. the use of extensions and plugins) shall be strictly controlled.
Data backup and recovery policies shall be implemented by the management; those recovery policies shall include a plan of the restoration process which is tested at regular intervals at least annually.
Systems that are critical for the security of payments shall be monitored and events relevant to information security shall be recorded. Operator logs shall be used to ensure that information system problems are identified. Operator logs shall be regularly reviewed on a sample basis, based on the criticality of the operations. System monitoring shall be used to check the effectiveness of controls which are identified as critical for the security of payments and to verify conformity to an access policy model.
Exchanges of information between organisations shall be based on a formal exchange policy, carried out in line with exchange agreements among the involved parties and shall be compliant with any relevant legislation. Third party software components employed in the exchange of information with TARGET (e.g. software received from a Service Bureau) must be used under a formal agreement with the third party.
Requirement 1.9: Access control
Access to information assets shall be justified on the basis of business requirements (need-to-know 25 ) and according to the established framework of corporate policies (including the information security policy). Clear access control rules shall be defined based on the principle of least privilege 26 to reflect closely the needs of the corresponding business and IT processes. Where relevant, (e.g. for backup management) logical access control should be consistent with physical access control unless there are adequate compensatory controls in place (e.g. encryption, personal data anonymisation).
Formal and documented procedures shall be in place to control the allocation of access rights to information systems and services that fall within the scope of the Payment Transaction Chain. The procedures shall cover all stages in the lifecycle of user access, from the initial registration of new users to the final deregistration of users that no longer require access.
Special attention shall be given, where appropriate, to the allocation of access rights of such criticality that the abuse of those access rights could lead to a severe adverse impact on the operations of the participant (e.g. access rights allowing system administration, override of system controls, direct access to business data). Appropriate controls shall be put in place to identify, authenticate and authorise users at specific points in the organisation's network, e.g. for local and remote access to systems in the Payment Transaction Chain. Personal accounts shall not be shared in order to ensure accountability.
For passwords, rules shall be established and enforced by specific controls to ensure that passwords cannot be easily guessed, e.g. complexity rules and limited-time validity. A safe password recovery and/or reset protocol shall be established.
A policy shall be developed and implemented on the use of cryptographic controls to protect the confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of information. A key management policy shall be established to support the use of cryptographic controls.
There shall be policy for viewing confidential information on screen or in print (e.g. a clear screen, a clear desk policy) to reduce the risk of unauthorised access.
When working remotely, the risks of working in an unprotected environment shall be considered and appropriate technical and organisational controls shall be applied.
Requirement 1.10: Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance
Security requirements shall be identified and agreed prior to the development and/or implementation of information systems.
Appropriate controls shall be built into applications, including user-developed applications, to ensure correct processing. These controls shall include the validation of input data, internal processing and output data. Additional controls may be required for systems that process, or have an impact on, sensitive, valuable or critical information. Such controls shall be determined on the basis of security requirements and risk assessment according to the established policies (e.g. information security policy, cryptographic control policy).
The operational requirements of new systems shall be established, documented and tested prior to their acceptance and use. As regards network security, appropriate controls, including segmentation and secure management, should be implemented based on the criticality of data flows and the level of risk of the network zones in the organisation. There shall be specific controls to protect sensitive information passing over public networks.
Access to system files and program source code shall be controlled and IT projects and support activities conducted in a secure manner. Care shall be taken to avoid exposure of sensitive data in test environments. Project and support environments shall be strictly controlled. Deployment of changes in production shall be strictly controlled. A risk assessment of the major changes to be deployed in production shall be conducted.
Regular security testing activities of systems in production shall also be conducted according to a predefined plan based on the outcome of a risk-assessment, and security testing shall include, at least, vulnerability assessments. All of the shortcomings highlighted during the security testing activities shall be assessed and action plans to close any identified gap shall be prepared and followed-up in a timely fashion.
Requirement 1.11: Information security in supplier 27 relationships
To ensure protection of the participant's internal information systems that are accessible by suppliers, information security requirements for mitigating the risks associated with supplier's access shall be documented and formally agreed upon with the supplier.
Requirement 1.12: Management of information security incidents and improvements
To ensure a consistent and effective approach to the management of information security incidents, including communication on security events and weaknesses, roles, responsibilities and procedures, at business and technical level, shall be established and tested to ensure a quick, effective and orderly and safely recover from information security incidents including scenarios related to a cyberrelated cause (e.g. a fraud pursued by an external attacker or by an insider). Personnel involved in these procedures shall be adequately trained.
Requirement 1.13: Technical compliance review
A participant's internal information systems (e.g. back office systems, internal networks and external network connectivity) shall be regularly assessed for compliance with the organisation's established framework of policies (e.g. information security policy, cryptographic control policy).
Requirement 1.14: Virtualisation
Guest virtual machines shall comply with all the security controls that are set for physical hardware and systems (e.g. hardening, logging). Controls relating to hypervisors must include: hardening of the hypervisor and the hosting operating system, regular patching, strict separation of different environments (e.g. production and development). Centralised management, logging and monitoring as well as managing of access rights, in particular for high privileged accounts, shall be implemented based on a risk assessment. Guest virtual machines managed by the same hypervisor shall have a similar risk profile.
Requirement 1.15: Cloud computing
The usage of public and/or hybrid cloud solutions in the Payment Transaction Chain must be based on a formal risk assessment, taking into account the technical controls and the contractual clauses related to the cloud solution.
If hybrid cloud solutions are used, it is understood that the criticality level of the overall system is the highest one of the connected systems. All on-premises components of the hybrid solutions must be segregated from the other on-premises systems.
The following requirements relate to business continuity management. Each TARGET participant designated by the Eurosystem as being critical for the smooth functioning of the TARGET system shall have a business continuity strategy in place that complies with the following requirements.
Requirement 2.1:
Business continuity plans shall be developed and procedures for maintaining them are in place.
Requirement 2.2:
An alternate operational site shall be available.
Requirement 2.3:
The risk profile of the alternate site shall be different from that of the primary site, in order to avoid that both sites are affected by the same event at the same time. For example, the alternate site shall be on a different power grid and central telecommunication circuit from those of the primary business location.
Requirement 2.4:
In the event of a major operational disruption rendering the primary site inaccessible and/or critical staff unavailable, the critical participant shall be able to resume normal operations from the alternate site, where it shall be possible to properly close the business day and open the following business day(s).
Requirement 2.5:
Procedures shall be in place to ensure that the processing of transactions is resumed from the alternate site within a reasonable timeframe after the initial disruption of service and commensurate to the criticality of the business that was disrupted.
Requirement 2.6:
The ability to cope with operational disruptions shall be tested at least once a year and critical staff shall be aptly trained. The maximum period between tests shall not exceed one year.
Level 1 - Governing Council | Level 2 - Technical and operational management body | Level 3 - Level 3 NCBs |
1. General provisions | ||
Final competence in relation to all TARGET issues, in particular the rules for the decision making in TARGET, and responsible for safeguarding the public function of TARGET | - Conducting technical, functional, operational and financial management tasks in relation to TARGET and implementing the rules on governance decided by Level 1 | - Taking decisions on the daily running of TARGET based on the service levels defined in the agreement referred to in Article 7(6) of Guideline ECB/2022/8 |
2. Pricing policy | ||
- Deciding on pricing structure/pri- cing policy - Deciding on the pricing envelopes |
- Regular review of pricing structure/ pricing policy - Drafting and monitoring of pricing envelopes |
(Not applicable) |
3. Financing | ||
- Deciding on rules for the financial regime of TARGET - Deciding on the financial envelopes |
- Drafting proposals for the main features of the financial regime as decided by Level 1. - Drafting and monitoring of financial envelopes - Approval and/or initiation of instalments payed by Eurosystem CBs to Level 3 for provision of services - Approval and/or initiation of reimbursement of fees to the Eurosystem CBs |
- Providing cost figures to Level 2 for the service provision |
4. Service level | ||
Deciding on the level of service | Verifying that the service was delivered in accordance with the agreed Service level | - Delivering the service in accordance with the agreed Service level |
5. Operation | ||
- Deciding on the rules applicable to incidents and crisis situations - Monitoring business developments |
- Managing TARGET based on the agreement referred to in Article 7(6) of Guideline ECB/2022/8 | |
6. Change and release management | ||
Deciding in case of escalation |
- Approving the Change requests - Approving the release scoping - Approving the release plan and its execution |
- Assessing the Change Requests - Implementing the Change requests in line with the agreed plan |
Level 1 - Governing Council | Level 2 - Technical and operational management body | Level 3 - Level 3 NCBs |
7. Risk management | ||
- approving the TARGET Risk Management Framework and the risk tolerance for TARGET as well as accepting remaining risks - assuming ultimate responsibility for the activities of the first and second lines of defence - establishing the organisational structure for roles and responsibilities related to risk and control |
- Conducting the risk management following the roles defined in the applicable risk management frameworks - Conducting risk analysis and follow-up according to the allocated risk ownership - ensuring that all risk management arrangements are maintained and kept-up-to date - approving and reviewing the business continuity plan as outlined in the relevant operational documentation |
- Conducting the risk management following the roles defined in the applicable risk management frameworks and related to Level 3 activities - Conducting risk analysis and follow-up according to the allocated risk ownership - Providing the necessary information for risk analysis according to Level 1/Level 2 requests and the risk management frameworks in place |
8. System rules | ||
- Establishing and ensuring adequate implementation of the European System of Central Banks' legal framework for TARGET including the Harmonised Conditions for participation in TARGET | (Not applicable) | (Not applicable)" |
- zmieniony przez art. 1 pkt 3 decyzji nr EBC/2022/38 (2022/2249) z dnia 9 listopada 2022 r. (Dz.U.UE.L.2022.295.48) zmieniającej nin. decyzję z dniem 21 listopada 2022 r.
- zmieniony przez art. 1 pkt 2 decyzji nr EBC/2023/27 (2023/2532) z dnia 9 listopada 2023 r. (Dz.U.UE.L.2023.2532) zmieniającej nin. decyzję z dniem 20 listopada 2023 r.
- zmieniony przez art. 1 decyzji nr EBC/2024/30 (2024/2830) z dnia 29 października 2024 r. (Dz.U.UE.L.2024.2830) zmieniającej nin. decyzję z dniem 1 grudnia 2024 r.
Podczas ostatniego posiedzenia Sejmu, ku zaskoczeniu zarówno przedsiębiorców, jak i części posłów koalicji rządzącej, Lewica w ostatniej chwili „dorzuciła” do ustawy o warunkach dopuszczalności powierzania pracy cudzoziemcom poprawki zaostrzające kary za naruszanie przepisów prawa pracy - m.in. umożliwiające orzeczenie kary ograniczenia wolności. Jednocześnie zignorowano postulaty organizacji pracodawców, mimo wcześniejszych zapewnień rządu o ich poparciu.
Grażyna J. Leśniak 27.02.2025Już nie 30 tys. zł, a 50 tys. zł ma grozić maksymalnie pracodawcy, który zawrze umowę cywilnoprawną, choć powinien - umowę o pracę. Podobnie temu, który nie wypłaca w terminie wynagrodzenia za pracę lub innego świadczenia przysługującego pracownikowi albo uprawnionemu do tego świadczenia członkowi jego rodziny. A jeśli nie wypłaca przez okres co najmniej 3 miesięcy, to kara ma wynieść nawet 60 tys. złotych - zdecydował Sejm, przyjmując poprawkę Lewicy, zmieniającą Kodeks pracy w... ustawie dotyczącej cudzoziemców.
Grażyna J. Leśniak 25.02.2025500 zł zarobi członek obwodowej komisji wyborczej w wyborach Prezydenta RP, 600 zł - zastępca przewodniczącego, a 700 zł przewodniczący komisji wyborczej – wynika z uchwały Państwowej Komisji Wyborczej. Jeżeli odbędzie się ponownie głosowanie, zryczałtowana dieta wyniesie 75 proc. wysokości diety w pierwszej turze. Termin zgłaszania kandydatów na członków obwodowych komisji wyborczych mija 18 kwietnia
Robert Horbaczewski 20.01.20251 stycznia 2025 r. weszły w życie liczne zmiany podatkowe, m.in. nowe definicje budynku i budowli w podatku od nieruchomości, JPK CIT, globalny podatek wyrównawczy, PIT kasowy, zwolnienie z VAT dla małych firm w innych krajach UE. Dla przedsiębiorców oznacza to często nowe obowiązki sprawozdawcze i zmiany w systemach finansowo-księgowych. Firmy muszą też co do zasady przeprowadzić weryfikację nieruchomości pod kątem nowych przepisów.
Monika Pogroszewska 02.01.2025W 2025 roku minimalne wynagrodzenie za pracę wzrośnie tylko raz. Obniżeniu ulegnie natomiast minimalna podstawa wymiaru składki zdrowotnej płaconej przez przedsiębiorców. Grozi nam za to podwyżka podatku od nieruchomości. Wzrosną wynagrodzenia nauczycieli, a prawnicy zaczną lepiej zarabiać na urzędówkach. Wchodzą w życie zmiany dotyczące segregacji odpadów i e-doręczeń. To jednak nie koniec zmian, jakie czekają nas w Nowym Roku.
Renata Krupa-Dąbrowska 31.12.20241 stycznia 2025 r. zacznie obowiązywać nowa Polska Klasyfikacja Działalności – PKD 2025. Jej ostateczny kształt poznaliśmy dopiero w tygodniu przedświątecznym, gdy opracowywany od miesięcy projekt został przekazany do podpisu premiera. Chociaż jeszcze przez dwa lata równolegle obowiązywać będzie stara PKD 2007, niektórzy już dziś powinni zainteresować się zmianami.
Tomasz Ciechoński 31.12.2024Identyfikator: | Dz.U.UE.L.2022.163.1 |
Rodzaj: | Decyzja |
Tytuł: | Decyzja EBC/2022/22 (2022/911) w sprawie warunków uczestnictwa w systemie TARGET-ECB i uchylająca decyzję EBC/2007/7 (EBC/2022/22) |
Data aktu: | 19/04/2022 |
Data ogłoszenia: | 17/06/2022 |
Data wejścia w życie: | 20/03/2023 |