Pełne sprawozdanie z obrad 9 lutego 2023 r.



SESJA 2022-2023

Posiedzenie w dniu 9 lutego 2023 r.


Spis treści

1. Wznowienie sesji

2. Otwarcie posiedzenia

3. Porządek obrad: patrz protokół

4. Uroczyste posiedzenie - Przemówienie prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego

5. Zatwierdzenie protokołu bieżącego posiedzenia: patrz protokół

6. Kalendarz następnych posiedzeń: patrz protokól

7. Zamknięcie posiedzenia

8. Przerwa w obradach




1. Wznowienie sesji

President. - I declare resumed the session of the European Parliament adjourned on Thursday 2 February 2023.

2. Otwarcie posiedzenia

(The sitting opened at 11.00)

3. Porządek obrad: patrz protokół

4. Uroczyste posiedzenie - Przemówienie prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zełenskiego

President. - We are here today on this historic occasion to welcome the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to the European Parliament.

This is an extraordinary moment, in extraordinary times. It has been almost one year since the brutal, illegal invasion of sovereign Ukraine by Russia.

In all that time, Mr President, your leadership has inspired your people and inspired every corner of the globe. When the world thinks of Ukraine they think of heroes fighting the odds, of David beating Goliath. They think of the icons of Snake Island, the warriors of Mariupol, the liberators of so many occupied towns and villages. Their names will be spoken of for generations.

Notwithstanding the bombs that fall every day, your grain continues to feed the world. When a devastating earthquake hit Turkey and Syria, you stood up and sent rescuers, equipment and expertise. That is real solidarity.


I am proud to say that this House of European Democracy, its Members, our European Union, have always stood with you.

We understand that you are fighting not only for your values, but for ours. For those ideals that bind us as sisters and brothers. They make us all Europeans. Because Ukraine is Europe and your nation's future is in the European Union.


We know the sacrifice that your people have endured for Europe and we must honour it not only with words but with action: with the political will to ensure easier trade and with the fastest possible accession process; with funds for your people; with help in reconstruction; with training for your troops; with the military equipment and defence systems you need to win.

Now, States must consider, quickly, as a next step, providing long range systems and the jets that you need to protect the liberty too many have taken for granted. Our response must be proportional to the threat - and the threat is existential.

I grew up hearing my grandparents' stories of my country's last three fighter planes. When all seemed lost, when they had no ammunition, no food and no hope, when all that remained were their three barely functioning planes that they called Faith, Hope and Charity - named after what they were fighting for, after what was at stake. The planes meant one more day of liberty, just long enough for help to arrive. They meant peace.

You do not need to convince anyone here of how essential it is to support Ukraine, to back all those giving their lives, to support the values we preach with concrete measures, to ensure victory, real peace - based on your 10-point plan, accountability for those who have committed war crimes and for the protection of freedom for all Ukrainians.

I want to repeat the promise I made to you when we met in Kyiv last April: we have your back. We were with you then, we are with you now, we will be with you for as long as it takes.

Freedom will prevail. Peace will reign. You will win.

Slava Ukraini!

(Loud and sustained applause)

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine. - (The following is a transcription of the interpretation of the original speech from Ukrainian into English) Glory to Ukraine! Dear Madam President - dear Roberta - I thank you for these powerful words, and I thank you for your personal attention, which is very important to Ukraine. I thank you for your principled and energetic approach - two qualities that we see have remained unchanged during this struggle for Europe. The combination of those two qualities is a precondition for progress. Europe is lucky that here, in the Chamber of Europe's largest parliament - the European Parliament, a principled and energetic approach commands an absolute majority.

Thank you, dear representatives of Europe and leaders of Europe. All of us Europeans, each of the hundreds of millions of people in our continent, combine these two attributes, as do the representatives and leaders of Europe. This combination reflects what our Europe, a modern and peaceful Europe, gives to the world - the European way of life, European living standards, and European rules for life.

It is in Europe where each and every person matters; where the rule of law exists; where states strive to be social and societies strive to be open; where diversity is a value and the values of different people are united by fairness and equality; where borders are not violated, but where you don't notice when you are crossing borders; where people trust and have faith in tomorrow and are ready to take to the streets to fight for their future; and where there's only one barrier between protesters and the president, and that is honest elections. This is our Europe. These are rules. This is our way of life.

For Ukraine, it is the way home. I am here in order to defend the way home for our people, for all Ukrainians of all ages and of various political convictions, various social statuses, various religious convictions and different histories. All of us enjoy this common European history - the Ukrainian European way of life that they tried to annihilate through total war. Why? Because after the European Ukrainian way of life, they want to destroy the European way of life in all 27 countries of the European Union. We will not allow that.

The total war that is now being waged by Russia is not only for territory in this or that part of Europe. The danger is that there is a dictator with massive supplies and reserves of Soviet weapons and weapons from dictatorial regimes, Iran in particular. In order to be able to fight like this, the Kremlin, cynically and deliberately, year after year and step after step, has been trying to eliminate and destroy what we see as our values in Europe.

The value of human life has been destroyed in Russia. For the authorities there, nobody is of value apart from those who are in the Kremlin and have their own wallets at heart. The 140 million Russian citizens are, for the leaders of Russia, just bodies capable of carrying weapons for Russia on the battlefield and in order to keep everybody obedient. The supremacy of violence and obedience are the rules instead of law.

The Russian regime not only hates any social justice and diversity, but they are also investing in xenophobia and trying to make it the norm on our continent. They are trying to make the inhumane realities of the 1930s and 1940s a reality today. But the answer to that for us is 'no! No! Europe!' We are defending ourselves against the most anti-European force in the modern world. We are defending ourselves. We Ukrainians are on the battlefield together with you!

I thank you now for defending it together with us. We must defend ourselves. It's important not only for the states of Europe, but also for communities and societies in Europe, no matter who we are or what we are. We always fight against disrespect and neglect. Wherever we live, we always put our faith in integrity, for whatever we dream of for our children and grandchildren. The precondition for these dreams is peace and security. Will that be possible if we do not overcome the anti-European force that is trying to steal our Europe from all of us? No! Only our victory will guarantee all that. Each of our European values makes our victory essential.

Dear leaders of Europe! Dear Madam President, ladies and gentlemen! Dear Members of European Parliament! Dear officials of the European Parliament and of other European institutions here! Dear journalists, security service workers, military and army personnel, police officers and rescue workers! Dear workers of municipalities, diplomats, teachers, professors and scientists! Dear doctors, drivers, seaport workers, farmers and industrialists! Dear workers in industrial enterprises! Dear owners of small and large businesses! Dear workers at banks! Dear energy workers and electricity grid workers! Dear trade union workers! Dear students and representatives of NGOs! Dear producers and actors, lawyers, defence lawyers and human rights defenders! The fate of Europe has never depended on politicians, and there should be no such illusion now. Each and every one of us matters. Each and every one of you is strong. Each and every one of you is capable of impacting and influencing our common outcome - our common victory!


This applause is not directed to me. I'd like to thank all of you in Europe - in hundreds of towns and villages - who have supported Ukraine in this historic battle. Thank you!


I would like to thank all of you who have been helping our people, our ordinary citizens and our resettled people here, and who called on their leaders to increase and step up their support to protect our ordinary people. I thank those who were on the squares, who were raising questions, who were spreading the truth about the Russian aggression, who were not tempted by Russia to consume Russian disinformation, and who are standing by us in our fight for life and for Europe. I thank you.

I thank all of you who help Ukraine with vitally important supplies, weapons, ammunition, energy equipment and fuel, with the thousands of things without which we would not be able to endure this total war.

I thank you, ladies and gentlemen, Members of the European Parliament, and you personally, Roberta. With your decisions, you defend the European way of life steadfastly; you defend the Ukrainian European way of life. You approve courageous decisions and you strengthen the European ambition to be a home for justice and freedom.

I recall the first day of the large-scale invasion, when the Russian ambition to break us and Europe as a whole was still adamant. It was when the Russian aggression was beginning to break its teeth fighting our defences on the sixth day of the large-scale invasion. The European Parliament approved a resolution not simply to support our state, but also to approve our country's status as a candidate for membership of the European Union. That was the vision that motivated us to be strong and to stay the course.


Today, during the meeting of the European Council, I will be able to thank personally the heads of state and government for the decisions that, over the course of the last year, have allowed our continent to do what the previous wave of leaders considered impossible. Europe, at last, is relieving itself of the ruinous dependence on the Russian fossil fuels. Europe is cleansing itself of the corrupting influence of Russian oligarchic business. Europe is defending itself from infiltration by agents of Russia's secret services, who look at Europe as a hunting ground for opponents of the Russian regime.

For the first time in its history, the European Union is providing military assistance on such a large scale, and I see a positive assessment of the reforms in a European country that is fighting and defending itself while modernising and reforming its institutions. We are getting closer to the European Union. Ukraine is going to be a member of the European Union - a victorious Ukraine! Ukraine is going to be a member of the European Union - a victorious European Union!

Dear friends, perhaps some of you have not felt before the power of the European way of life. Now, together, Ukraine and the countries of the European Union have made our strength obvious. How is this possible? Because we combined a principled and energetic approach. We are all equal in representing Europe and integrity. We know that everybody is a leader of Europe in his or her own life and specific place. We do not retreat in the face of the enemy - we defend ourselves! We are not wasting time - we are changing ourselves and we are changing things. Europe will always remain Europe, as long as we are together and as long as we take care of our Europe and of the European way of life.

I thank all of you. I invite you all to Ukraine. Glory to all Ukrainians who are fighting, and glory to Ukraine!

(The House rose and accorded President Zelenskyy a standing ovation)

(The House remained standing for the National Anthem of Ukraine and the European Anthem)

5. Zatwierdzenie protokołu bieżącego posiedzenia: patrz protokół

6. Kalendarz następnych posiedzeń: patrz protokól

7. Zamknięcie posiedzenia

(The sitting closed at 11.28)

8. Przerwa w obradach

President. - I declare adjourned the session of the European Parliament.

Skróty i symbole

* Procedura konsultacji

*** Procedura zgody

***I Zwykła procedura ustawodawcza, pierwsze czytanie

***II Zwykła procedura ustawodawcza, drugie czytanie

***III Zwykła procedura ustawodawcza, trzecie czytanie

(Typ procedury zależy od podstawy prawnej zaproponowanej w danym projekcie aktu.)

Rozwinięcia skrótów nazw komisji parlamentarnych

AFET Komisja Spraw Zagranicznych

DEVE Komisja Rozwoju

INTA Komisja Handlu Międzynarodowego

BUDG Komisja Budżetowa

CONT Komisja Kontroli Budżetowej

ECON Komisja Gospodarcza i Monetarna

EMPL Komisja Zatrudnienia i Spraw Socjalnych

ENVI Komisja Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności

ITRE Komisja Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii

IMCO Komisja Rynku Wewnętrznego i Ochrony Konsumentów

TRAN Komisja Transportu i Turystyki

REGI Komisja Rozwoju Regionalnego

AGRI Komisja Rolnictwa i Obszarów Wiejskich

PECH Komisja Rybołówstwa

CULT Komisja Kultury i Edukacji

JURI Komisja Prawna

LIBE Komisja Wolności Obywatelskich, Sprawiedliwości i Spraw Wewnętrznych

AFCO Komisja Spraw Konstytucyjnych

FEMM Komisja Praw Kobiet i Równych Szans

PETI Komisja Petycji

DROI Podkomisja Praw Człowieka

SEDE Podkomisja Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony

FISC Podkomisja do Spraw Podatkowych

Rozwinięcia skrótów nazw grup politycznych

PPE Grupa Europejskiej Partii Ludowej (Chrześcijańscy Demokraci)

S&D Grupa Postępowego Sojuszu Socjalistów i Demokratów w Parlamencie Europejskim

Renew Grupa Renew Europe

Verts/ALE Grupa Zielonych/Wolne Przymierze Europejskie

ID Grupa Tożsamość i Demokracja

ECR Grupa Europejskich Konserwatystów i Reformatorów

The Left Grupa Lewicy w Parlamencie Europejskim - GUE/NGL

NI Niezrzeszeni

Zmiany w prawie

Wnioski o świadczenie z programu "Aktywny rodzic" od 1 października

Pracujemy w tej chwili nad intuicyjnym, sympatycznym, dobrym dla użytkowników systemem - przekazała we wtorek w Warszawie szefowa MRPiPS Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk. Nowe przepisy umożliwią wprowadzenie do systemu prawnego trzech świadczeń: "aktywni rodzice w pracy", "aktywnie w żłobku" i "aktywnie w domu". Na to samo dziecko za dany miesiąc będzie jednak przysługiwało tylko jedno z tych świadczeń.

Krzysztof Koślicki 11.06.2024
KSeF od 1 lutego 2026 r. - ustawa opublikowana

Obligatoryjny Krajowy System e-Faktur wejdzie w życie 1 lutego 2026 roku. Ministerstwo Finansów zapowiedziało wcześniej, że będzie też drugi projekt, dotyczący uproszczeń oraz etapowego wejścia w życie KSeF - 1 lutego 2026 r. obowiązek obejmie przedsiębiorców, u których wartość sprzedaży przekroczy 200 mln zł, a od 1 kwietnia 2026 r. - wszystkich przedsiębiorców.

Monika Pogroszewska 11.06.2024
Prezydent podpisał nowelę ustawy o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju

Prezydent podpisał nowelizację ustawy o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju oraz niektórych innych ustaw - poinformowała w poniedziałek kancelaria prezydenta. Nowe przepisy umożliwiają podpisywanie umów o objęcie przedsięwzięć wsparciem z KPO oraz rozliczania się z wykonawcami w euro.

Ret/PAP 10.06.2024
Wakacje składkowe dla przedsiębiorców z podpisem prezydenta

Prezydent Andrzej Duda podpisał nowelizację ustawy o systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych oraz niektórych innych ustaw – poinformowała Kancelaria Prezydenta RP w poniedziałkowym komunikacie. Ustawa przyznaje określonym przedsiębiorcom prawo do urlopu od płacenia składek na ubezpieczenia społeczne przez jeden miesiąc w roku.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 10.06.2024
Prezydent podpisał ustawę powołującą program "Aktywny Rodzic"

Prezydent podpisał ustawę o wspieraniu rodziców w aktywności zawodowej oraz w wychowaniu dziecka "Aktywny rodzic". Przewiduje ona wprowadzenie do systemu prawnego trzech świadczeń wspierających rodziców w aktywności zawodowej oraz w wychowywaniu i rozwoju małego dziecka: „aktywni rodzice w pracy”, „aktywnie w żłobku” i „aktywnie w domu”. Na to samo dziecko za dany miesiąc będzie przysługiwało tylko jedno z tych świadczeń. O tym, które – zdecydują sami rodzice.

Grażyna J. Leśniak 10.06.2024
Nawet pół miliona kary dla importerów - ustawa o KAS podpisana

Kancelaria Prezydenta poinformowała w piątek, że Andrzej Duda podpisał nowelizację ustawy o Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej oraz niektórych innych ustaw. Wprowadza ona unijne regulacje dotyczące importu tzw. minerałów konfliktowych. Dotyczy też kontroli przewozu środków pieniężnych przez granicę UE. Rozpiętość kar za naruszenie przepisów wyniesie od 1 tys. do 500 tys. złotych.

Krzysztof Koślicki 07.06.2024